Chapter thirteen: False alarm

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It's been a pretty good day so far. At least I mean it's kinda been. I've been having pain in my back and lower stomach since I woke up this morning. The baby's been kicking and moving a lot too. I hope everything's alright.

I carefully walk out to the living room and sit down on the nice comfy couch. At first it was comfortable and the pain had greatly dulled. I was happy. I was sadly mistaken when the intensifying pain returned. I cringe at the searing pain.

I catch a glimpse of grandpa out of the corner of my eye. "Oh, hello Yugi." Grandpa greeted when he saw me. I try mustering a convincing happy smile. "Hi grandpa." He tilted his head to the side. "How are you and the youngster doing?" He casually asks. A shot of pain coursed through my lower stomach. Soon the pain started to become unbearable. No matter how much it hurt, I still tried to put up a brave act. "F f fine." I kinda stuttered. Crap. "Yugi, are you sure you're ok?" He asks, concern in his older looking amethyst eyes. Before I could answer I gasped and clutched my stomach curling up into a tight ball. "YUGI!" I manage to hear grandpa shout. Everything after that was a mysterious blur. I was still conscious, but not responsive. Even though I was conscious, I still zoned in and out. I didn't understand anything that was going on. All I knew was that something was wrong.

I heard many noises and lots of voices. I close my eyes to block out the light. I couldn't really make out anything anyways. I knew I was in pain, but I was too far gone to feel it.

Eventually everything was gone. No more noise. No more voices. Nothing. Later, I faintly hear a beeping noise. The sound was starting to bother me. I wish I could turn it off, but something told me that I wouldn't be able to do that. I slowly opened my eyes. The room was blurry. My vision starts to un-fog itself allowing me to know who or what was there with me.

I see a few people. One of them is grandpa obviously and the others seemed to be the gang. It saddened me when I remembered why I didn't see Yami among them. Joey was the first one to step forward. "Hey Yug, how ya doing?" He asks with worry in his voice. "Ok I guess. What happened to me?" I asked curiously staring around the room. Grandpa lifted his eyebrow. "Oh that's right. You don't know." He started. "You were in a lot of pain for some reason. We thought you went into early labor or something. But turns out that the baby was just moving around a lot because there's not much room in your stomach. It was just a false alarm." He finished explaining. I could only nod for my answer. I didn't know what to say to that. Grandpa looked at me and noticed the confusion on my face and understood. I sighed and looked to the others. Worried expressions crossed their faces, but I managed to give them a half smile. They took what they could get and tried to smile back too.

Shadows emerged from the door as a nurse steps in. She had on a smile. "Well look who's up?" She said now standing next to the bed. I open my mouth, but no words come out. "Good to know you're feeling better." She said in a chirpy tone. "Oh, before you ask, she's fine. Just playful and getting ready to be here. She's really strong too. Not quite sure where she gets it from though." The nurse rambled. I nodded in response. "Probaby Yami." I thought happily to myself. That's been the only happy thought I've had since his disappearance that morning. I stop myself. I don't want to think about that anymore right now. Especially when everybody is here starring at me.

The rest of the day went by pretty slow. The nurse eventually left the room. Her presense was starting to bother me. She was all cheery and bubbly while I lay on this bed off and on in pain for many different reasons. But then I began to think. Maybe she isn't as bouncy as she makes herself out to be. She's probably mostly like that because it's her job. I sighed blinking a few times. Before the nurse had left I was told that I would be bed ridden for the rest of this pregnancy. But worst of all I had to stay in the hospital. They told me it was because I'm obviously a male which is pregnant at that, and because of how far along I was. This wasn't exactly how I imagined everything would be. 

My friends and grandpa had stayed in the room with me keeping me company. Sadly I knew soon that they would have to leave. We talked about random things to keep our minds busy. I know it's because of the baby and Yami, but still. Not much seemed to cheer me up anymore these days. When I am happy it only lasts for a moment. I wish it would last longer like it used to. I don't like feeling this way anymore.

It was starting to get late and everyone had to get ready to leave. The sun was now long gone and the moon was out shining bright in the night time sky. On their way out they told me they would continue looking for Yami and the others while I was stuck in the hospital. I nod my head slowly and fought back the well of tears in my eyes. One by one my friends try to console me. It works, but worked only to an extent. Well, by the time everyone had left, I had reached my limit.

When the lock clicked, one of the tears I was trying to hold back slipped and rolled down my cheek. I couldn't hold up my brave act anymore. I laid there letting all my tears silently fall down my heated cheeks. I couldn't take it anymore. Couldn't hold back the pain that had built up inside me. I basically just cried myself to sleep that night. It was painful, but it felt nice to let the pain come out. I hope they can find him soon and fast. It kills me with him not being here with me and the baby. Will he be found before she's born?

A/N: That's the end of that chapter guys. Sorry if it's short in some ways, but I'll make it up to you guys I promise. Hope you liked it. I've been trying to update as fast as I can with everything that's going on. So tell what you think of this story thus far and what you think is going to happen next.

Me- Don't cry Yugi, we're gonna get him back soon.

I pull Yugi under my arm and let him sob on my chest. Poor baby's heart was breaking and there's nothing I can do to help him feel better.

Yugi- I I I wi wish Y Ya Yami w wa was h he her here.

He clutched me tightly burying his head in my shirt sobbing hard as he could. I held him back and laid my head on top of his comforting him the best way I could.

Me- Yugi's too choked to end today so looks like I'll be the one signing off this time. See you guys in the fourteenth chapter. Here's a spoiler for ya. This ones called "Hope". If you want, you guys can add your thoughts on this thought too. Comment and vote. Opinions are always welcome as are thoughts.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now