Chapter sixty: Wedding bells

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Today is the day. The day that Yami and I get married. I'm so glad this day is finally here. The dark portion of me didn't think it would get to. Especially with everything that had happened before. It's a relief to me that nothing too horrible happened.

I was getting ready to leave when I heard Hana start crying in the living room. I go to her and set my things on the couch and then pick her up. I bounce her gently on my hip and try to soothe her. "What's the matter princess?" She looks at me teary eyed and then starts crying some more. "Uh..." I look around the room and try to find one of her toys to give her. I find one after a moment and grab it. I show it to her and try playing with her with it. I give up after a moment when she shows no interest in it whatsoever. "Da! Da!" She shouts. It then clicks in my head for what she wants as I hear footsteps behind me. I feel Hana reaching for something as I turn my head. "What's the matter princess? We're not leaving you if that's what you're worried about." I smile as I hear Yami's voice. I feel her struggle more in my arms. "I think she wants you. I heard her say dada. Isn't that what she's been calling you?" I ask, turning fully towards him. "For the most part she has." Yami answers. "Awe, I think she's finally warmed up to you." "I guess she has. Here, I'll take her now." Yami smiles and reaches for her. I nod and smile back, handing Hana to him. Yami takes her and holds her close. Her cries soften and slowly cease as she snuggles close to him. 

I gently rub her back. "Our sweet little girl." Yami smiles at this. "Don't worry, dada's got you princess." "I hope she'll be okay when you have to put her down." I keep rubbing her little back. "I'm sure she'll be just fine. We've been really busy this morning and haven't really spent much time with her since breakfast." He tries to reassure me. "I know, but I feel bad she doesn't really understand what's going on." "She will fully understand one day when she's older. Relax aibou, I don't want her to grow up too fast." He chuckles softly. I sigh. "I know. Neither do I." I agree with him. He smiles widely. "We better get going. We have a big day ahead of us." I blush. "I know." I go and grab my stuff and head towards the door. 

I get out to the car and put my stuff into the backseat. It's my dress and shoes and I pushed them away from Hana's car seat so she wouldn't be able to get to them. I pull myself out of the car and turn to see Yami coming outside with Hana napping in his arms. I smile and step out of the way for him to put her in her seat. Instead of watching, I go and get in the passenger seat. After a minute or two, Yami gets in and starts the car. "Ready aibou?" He grins. "As ready as I'll ever be." I smiled back as my cheeks started to flush. "Good." Yami said as he started driving to the venue.

Once we got there, Yami took care of Hana and I grabbed my stuff and headed to the dressing room. I walk past some of the other rooms and then noticed that one of them actually had my name on it. I blush for a moment before walking in. I sat my stuff down on the sofa. I go to take off my shirt when I hear someone clear their throat. I drop my shirt back down and jump in surprise. I then hear a familiar laugh. "Relax Yug, it's just me." I relax when I recognize Joey's voice. I turn around to look at him. "What are you doing in here?" I ask curiously. "I'm here to help you. They told me that you would be wearing a dress and said that you would most likely need help with the zipper." I blush darkly at the thought of the dress. "What's the matter?" Joey asked, clueless. "I, I um, didn't know you knew about the dress.." I stuttered. "Well actually, I just found about it last night from your husband to be." Joey explained sheepishly. "Oh, I see. But he is right. I will most likely need help zipping it up." I admitted. "Alright, let's get you ready then." He smiled reassuringly. I took a deep breath and started stripping down to my boxers. I got undressed and then grabbed the dress out of its packaging. I stepped into it and starting zipping it up as much as I could by myself.

After a moment, I got it zipped three fourths of the way. I panted a little trying one more time to get it by myself, but I couldn't bend my arm anymore to get it. I groan. "Need some help buddy?" He asks. I nod in defeat. "Alright buddy, hang in there." Joey smiles as he walks towards me. I feel him zip up the dress the rest of the way. "Thanks Joey." I crack a small smile. "You're welcome." I turn and watch him take a step back to really look at the dress. "You know Yug, it doesn't look half bad on you." He complimented. "Y-You, you really think so?" I ask nervously." "Yeah, promise. Would I ever lie to my best pal?" He chuckled. I sigh. "Well I have to admit it's soft and comfortable." "Relax Yug. Wearing a dress won't make you any less of a man." "I know. It just feels really weird. I'm so used to wearing pants or shorts. I feel naked on my legs. Especially since Yami got me to shave them too." I explained. I heard a small snicker escape Joey's mouth. I roll my eyes at him. "Shut up or I'll have Kaiba shave your legs in your sleep." I tease. He shuts up at this. "I thought so." I smile. "I better go and get my shoes on. Thankfully they're sandals, but they wrap around my ankles a little bit." I go and grab the sandals. I stare at them for a moment.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now