Chapter forty nine: Date night

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Getting told to keep your eyes closed when someone's trying to surprise you is a lot harder than you think. "Yami, are we there yet?" I ask, tiring of keeping my eyes closed. "Not yet aibou." Yami chuckles. I slightly groan. "Don't worry, we'll be there in a minute or two." He reassures me. I'm sure he has a smirk on his face. I reluctantly nod. "Fine." We get to the place Yami's taking me shortly after like he said we would. I wait for Yami to help me out of the car. He opens the door and helps me to my feet. "You can open your eyes now aibou." He says as he shuts the car door. I rub my eyes a little and then open them. My eyes focus on a little restaurant. "I hope you like it. It's one of my favorite restaurants in town." Yami smiles. "Oh wow." I smile softly. I feel Yami take my hand and we head inside.

We sit down at our table and pick up the menu. I look through it carefully. There's a lot of yummy sounding choices, but I'm not sure what to pick. I wonder if Yami can help me. I don't want to take to long to order when someone comes around. "Yami?" I call. "Yes?" He pulls his menu away from his face and looks up at me. "A lot of the food sounds really good, but I don't know what to choose.. Is there anything that you recommend?" I ask nervously. He smiles softly at me. "I'll help you." He stands and leans over the table a little and shows me which dishes taste like they sound. I end up picking the butterfly shrimp dish with three different sides. My sides ended up being mashed potatoes with gravy, macaroni and cheese, and green beans. I don't know why, but Yami got the same thing I did only with different sides. Something about simple sounded good. His sides were carrots, peas, and collard greens.

The waitress came to take our order a moment after we picked. I'm glad I was able to choose something before hand. We told the lady what we wanted and she wrote it down in her little note pad. I could have sworn the lady was flirting with Yami, but I'm not sure. "Good evening handsome. How are you this evening?" She asks with a smile. "I'm fine thank you." He replies. I don't like how this made me feel, but I relax when Yami brushes her off. The lady walked off after taking our order. I look back at Yami and smile softly. "You alright aibou?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. I laugh nervously. "Yeah, I'm fine." He watches me and then sighs. "Alright, just making sure." He smiles softly as we wait for our food.

Our food finally comes and we thank the server. Sadly it had to be the same one that tried to flirt with Yami. I kept my temper at least. We then start digging in. The dinner was. Really nice and enjoyable. For whatever reason, we ended up getting a new server. Yami must have had something to do with it because it didn't change until he came back from the "bathroom". Ah well, I'm not worried about it. I'm actually glad. She was starting to annoy me cause she kept passing by and trying to stick around as much as possible. Anyways, enough of that.

At the end of the night, I can say that I was pleased and was still able to enjoy my dinner date with Yami despite the waitress. What really made me bubble up with joy and some embarrassment was when on our way out of the restaurant, we caught sight of the girl and Yami decided to kiss me on the lips in front of her. She got really mad and stormed off. "That should teach her to take a hint and leave well enough alone." Yami smirks and wraps his arm around my shoulders. My face grows hotter at this, but I give a small nod. Yami chuckles and we leave to go home. "I love you so much mou hitori no boku." I smile. Yami gives me a squeeze. "I know you do aibou and as do I for you." I snuggle up under his arm as we make our way back to the car.

A/N: Sorry this one's late. Been tired and busy from working long holiday hours. Day 7 out of 12 Yay. Almost over. Hope you guys like. Happy holidays to all!

Me- I take it somebody got a little jealous?

I softly snicker.

Yugi- N-no..

His face heats up.

Yami- Don't worry aibou, I took care of it. I appreciate that she had eyes for me, but I only have eyes for you.

Yami grins and places a kiss on the side of Yugi's head.

Me- Awe, see Yugi, Yami wants you and no one else.

I smile.

Yami- Exactly.

Yugi smiles happily and curls up to him sleepily.

Me- Looks like Yugi's tired.

Yami- We had a long great day so probably.

Me- I don't blame him. I'm ready to go back to bed too, but my night's not over with yet sadly.

Yami- It's alright Rose, it'll be over soon enough.

Me- I hope so. Well, we better sign off then.

Yami nods in agreement.

Yami- Bye. Happy holidays.

Me- Comment and vote down below. Bye.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now