Chapter seventeen: Second chance

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I've been really busy lately. Also, I haven't had my notes for this story. I have a side project that I've been working on as well. Hopefully I'll have it finished before the end of the month. I'll post it on here and I hope that you guys go and check it out.

Yami's POV

It's been a while since we last heard the men in black talk about their plans for us. I wonder if there's anything new to their plans. Do they even know that we over heard them that night? No, I doubt it. I'm sure if they knew they would have acted on it by now.

We really need to contact Yugi and the others again. The first time was a lucky shot since it just happened on its own, but I know this time will be a long shot because we're actually going to enforce it. I really miss Yugi. I wonder how he's doing. Is he coping well alongside with the stress of the baby? Speaking of the baby, I wonder how he or she is doing. I wonder if Yugi knows what the baby is. Is the baby even here yet? I want to see and hold him or her. I want to wrap my arms around him as I watch him hold our sweet little baby.

Tears start to slowly trickle down my face. They say if a tear from the right eye falls first, it's tears of pain and if it falls from the left first, it's tears of happiness. So if that's the case, then it fell from the right. It doesn't take a skilled duelist to know how I feel right now. I yearn to hold my aibou and that precious little baby. How the hell do we get out of this cursed place? What did we do to deserve this? I may be a five thousand year old pharaoh, but I don't have all the answers.

I turn to look at my two prison mates. They too have been crying. Well at least at one point today. The tear stains no longer touch their cheeks, yet their eyes still show puffiness and tinges of red. Their irises a darker shade than their normal color.

I sigh. Time to get to work so we can get the hell out of here and back to our friends and hikaris. "Marik." I say after a millennium of dead silence. "What?" He answers back with no emotion in his voice like there usually is. "We need to try to contact one of them again." I answer. "One of who?" Marik asks not paying attention. "One of our hikari's." I explain better this time. "Oh." He pauses for a second. "But how?" He questions. I think for a moment. The last time we tried contacting them, I was trying to talk to Yugi through the use of the puzzle. As much as I would love to hear Yugi's voice again, I can't stress him out no more than I'm sure he already is. If that baby is still inside of him, I don't want to feel responsible for any complications Yugi may experience. I would never be able to forgive myself if that happened.

Now, the only other way I know how to contact Yugi is through mind link. I'm aware that the others can do it with their mates due to the fact that I catch them doing it every once in a while. Maybe Marik can tap into Malik's mind and let them know what's going on. "Marik, do you think you could try talking to Malik with the mind link?" I ask with hope in my voice. Marik scrunches up his face a little. "I suppose I can try. I mean what other options do we really have right now besides waiting and rotting to the ground." Marik's voice raises as he stomps his foot on the ground. "Yes, I have to admit that is true." I cross my arms and take a deep breath. Marik rolls his eyes before closing them. I sit there and wait. Bakura not really paying no mind to us. He's just listening.

Marik's POV

I sit here in this annoying cell with my friends. Nothing to do and hardly nothing to eat or drink. I'm surprised they even feed us at all. They don't give us anything fancy. Just ham sandwiches and water. Sometimes if we're lucky there's cheese too. I guess it's their way of saying thanks for being our prisoners. My eyes are still puffy and red feeling from waking up crying. I don't know whether or not if it's day or night so I can't say last night. Yami's been talking and tossing in his sleep. Baku just rambles. I don't know what I do besides wake up screaming because well, I'm me.

I'm his hikari and he's my yami (Yugioh YamixYugi)Where stories live. Discover now