Chapter 4

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[The Lair....]

"For the last-time Leo, I told ya, I was out!"

"And that's it?"

"Would you get off my back!"

"Boys! What is the commission!?" 

Splinter enters the training room, seeing the two almost smash heads with each other. 

"Leo keeps hounding me and I keep telling him that I just hung out on a stupid building all night!" 

"Is that just another excuse?!"



Splinter slams his staff down, silencing them. 

"Leonardo, you may go. I will speak with Raphael." 

Leo bows and turns his heel, with no knowledge of Raph's cold stare following behind. The red-clad turtle crosses his arms with a huff.

"If I could tell him, then I'd really like ta—"

"Calm yourself, Raphael," Splinter advises, "you must not lead your brother into knowing about our secret." 

Raph slumps his shoulders.

"I know, but..."

"I understand how frustrated you are, but like Ginger, you have sworn to secrecy to protect your brothers and our family."

"Leo already suspects. I never thought I'd be protecting someone else's back for a change."

"And I am glad you are. So, please...look after Casey's cousin." 

He put a hand on his shoulder. Raph bows before leaving.

In the lab, Donnie is working on the Tartaruga's engine. He wiped the oil off of his cheek as he continued. 


"Hmm?" He looked up and eyed his desk, seeing his phone go off. He reaches out and picks it up. 

"Hello. Donatello here..."


"Ginger? Uh, did you get my number?"

[Oh, it's yours? I assumed it was Raphael's.]


[O-oh, you see...I saw him hanging around by the apartment and invited him in. We sort of talked to each other for a while. I guess he left the number in case of emergencies.]


Donnie didn't figure Raph to be so friendly so quick.

"Well, is there anything you need from us?"

[Actually, is it okay if I visit? Also, I wanted to see if Raph was doing okay. I know about him and Leo's...spats.]

"Oh~ that. Well, sure. I'll tell the others, so come right down. We'll see you in a bit."

[Okay. Bye.]

Donnie hangs up and cleans himself off before exiting his lab. He finds Mikey watching April's report on the news, Leo getting a soda from the fridge, and Splinter walking out of the dojo. 

"Hey guys, I got a call from Ginger. She's coming to visit."

"Seriously," Mikey beamed.  

"Wonderful," Splinter smiles, "then I should make some tea, before she arrives." 

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