Chapter 7

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Leo didn't move from his spot, as he kept a constant watch on Ginger. Though, he'd often doze off now and again. Forrest awoke to find Leo's hand cupped under his chin while his elbow leaned on the table. He quietly made his way, hopping a few times before reaching Leo's shoulder. He nudged his face, making the terrapin come out of his tired-state. 

"You should rest, Leonardo."

"I'm alright, Forrest." 

He stretched his arms as Forrest sat on the table. The marten glanced at the open laptop.

"Did you ever open the file?" 

His question made Leo stiffen. 


Forrest strolled over and pressed his paw on the screen, looking at Leo.

"The code is 'Beautiful Autumn'...first letters capitalized." 

Leo gave a dumbfounded look versus Forrest's sincere smile.

"Go ahead." 

Leo was hesitant at first, but he slowly typed the words. He raised his finger and took a deep breath.

When Leo entered the password, ancient drawings and recent pictures of the Zarina family and their generation of work. He then noticed different photos; baby pictures of Ginger, Forrest, and her parents. There were even ones with her learning martial arts, taking dance lessons and caring for animals at petting zoos. Leo gave a small smile, seeing how happy she looked.

"I miss those times," Forrest sighed as he reminisced in the moment.

"...Forrest...what was Mr. Zarina, like?" 

"Walter? Well...he was not only brave, but he was selfless...kind of like you, Leonardo." 

Leo sighed while shaking his head.

"He must have been twice the leader and goodhearted man than I'll ever be."

"That's not true," Forrest sat up in front of Leo, looking straight into his eyes. 

"My master feels the same way...and she told me how much she admires your dedication to your family and friends." 


"Of course," Forrest nodded, "she tells me everything...and always speaks with goodness." 

Leo could only look down. Forrest put a paw on Leo's hand for comfort.

Just then, a faint rustling from the bed. Ginger stirred a bit, before slowly opening her eyes.


Leo pulled up the chair and leaned forward. Her eyes met his, and gave a faint smile. They don't notice Forrest stepping outside the lab.


"Did you sleep, well?" 

Ginger nodded. She watched his every move; he opened his mouth, stuttering and struggling to find the right words before looking right at her. 

"I...I don't know where to start."

"'s okay."

"No, wasn't right of me to talk to you like that. And you were right...I was so upset, things got carried away, and...I didn't...I-I never meant to hurt you..." 

He looked down in shame.

"...What made you so suspicious of me?" 

" old folklore Splinter told us as kids..."

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