The Untold Truth.

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Mastueo Village
10:30 AM
December 27th, 1990

"Shisui, don't be so rude. Show us your books!" The crowd gathered around him.

"They are mine." He simply said.

"You're an Uchiha, you can buy the same one at any time!" The boy snatched away the small book from his hands.

"Give it back." They heard from behind them.

There she was.

A girl with dark blue hair and blue eyes, in a high school uniform.

"It's Senpai!" The boys dropped the book and ran away and she picked it up and gave it to him.

"T-Thank you, Senpai." He said as she suddenly blushed.

"Senpai?" She laughed.

"Do they always do that?" She said to him.


"Don't let them, you're stronger than that." She said which caused him to blush again.

"I'm Shisui Uchiha and I'm a sophomore." He said to her.

"Oh? So you're one year younger than me! That's so nice!" She smiled.

Suddenly her watch rang as she panicked at the time.

"Oh no, mom is going to kill me if I'm late again! Well bye, Shisui! It was nice meeting you!"  She ran away.

Out of all people, who know Senpai would be my savior. I wish she didn't have to leave.
January 10th, 1991
Mastueo Public Park
He wanted to know more about her.

Everything about her.

So from that day on, he stalked her.

He learned about her favorite movies, colors, places to shop, foods, people she interacted with the most.

There was one person he didn't like.

Hiashi Hyuga.

He would always be around her and it was pretty obvious that he liked her.

And he didn't like it one bit.

"Shisui-kun?" He heard from behind him.

"S-Senpai?" He blushed at how close their faces were.

"Why are you hiding behind a bush?" She said.

"Oh, I-uh-well-I-um-" He was lost for words but was relieved when Hiashi stepped in.

"Oy, Hitomi!" Hiashi suddenly was out of breath as Shisui gave him the biggest death glare in all of mankind.

"What are you staring at?" He suddenly said which caused him to change faces when Hitomi turned around.

"What are you talking about Hiashi? Don't be so rude to Shisui-kun!" She suddenly held him into a hug which caused him to get beet red.

"Whatever, I just wanted to see if you wanted to walk together." He blushed and looked away.

"Not after the way, you were acting. Come on, Shisui!" She held his hand as they started running away together.

Senpai is actually holding my hand!

They suddenly made it to a part of the forest.

"What are we doing here, Senpai?" Shisui looked around as the river was covered in lilies that were blown off from the wind.

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