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yoongi sat on the sofa and placed his phone on the coffee table as he heard siwoon walk through their apartment door.

all was quiet until the younger stumbled into the living room. his eyes were soft as they landed on yoongi who sat quietly glaring at him.

the look of which yoongi conveyed was one of disgust but siwoon didn't seem at all effected by it.

his eyes flickered to yoongi's phone as it lit up with a text, a mischievous glint in his eyes as they traveled back to the older's one's as yoongi began to reach for his phone. he grasped his phone and stood up from the sofa.

he wasn't at all in the mood to get caught in siwoon's drunken attitude. when he was drunk there was no telling what he'd do or say.

as yoongi walked passed siwoon, fingers crossed as he prayed that siwoon wouldn't try anything, a handful of his hair was grasped causing his head to snap back. his silent prayers having been disregarded.

"where the fuck do you think you're going, hyung," he sneered out as yoongi yanked his head away only causing him to grasp tighter.

"let go, please." his words were quiet and forced.

"apologize you piece of shit!" he gripped tighter as he pushed yoongi up against a wall, eyes still lingered with mischief and breath fanning over yoongi's face.

"i-i'm sorry." he didn't even know why he had apologized, but at some point it had become a habit that he'd gained over the years.

siwoon smirked at him before he let go of his hair and placed a kiss on his forehead. there was a grimace on yoongi's face which went unnoticed by siwoon.

yoongi padded up the stairs eyes prickled with tears of hatred. once in the bedroom he closed and locked the door. as he fell on the unmade bed he felt overwhelmed with emotions. he felt defeated once again.

first, jungkook and his questions and now siwoon with his drunken attitude. everyone seemed to be playing with his emotions.

yoongi sighed as he wiped away his tears. he flinched when the locked door knob began to twist. "yoongi, unlock the door, please."

if yoongi hadn't been in the right state of mind he would've complied however, he knew that would be another act he'd regret.

even so, he hated being locked up in that room for it was his only safe place. he hated that he was caged away. he hated himself for being angry with jungkook.

jungkook had been the first person to try and help yoongi out of his predicament and he was grateful. really, he was, but his father had raised him to never accept help unless he would be able to return the favor.

with yoongi's horrible life decisions he knew that he'd never be able to return the favor if he'd accepted jungkook's help. hence, the reason for his denial toward any ounce of help that had ever been offered to him, except from siwoon, which was a mistake on his part.

yoongi sat on his bed as he glared daggers at the door with his red rimmed eyes. siwoon's knob twists had turned into door bangs. he hated it. he hated it so much.

he hated that boy. that boy that tried to control his entire being. he hated kim siwoon so much. yet, he couldn't hate him more than he'd already hated himself.

yoongi had never hated anyone more than he hated himself. he hated himself for falling for that boy. he hated himself for being dumb enough to fall for meaningless words. he hated that his chest still hurt from when siwoon broke his heart. he hated all of it. every little thing that connected himself with kim siwoon.

he hadn't brought himself to hate jungkook for he was one of the only people that he'd most likely never be able to hate. not when he's done nothing but try to help yoongi.

all of those thoughts ceased as the sound of banging vanished and was replaced with unstable steps down the hall.

only after he'd bathed yoongi had found himself drifting off to sleep curled up in the thick covers.

early the next morning yoongi awoke to soft knocks on the door followed by a few words, "yoongi, open the door, please. or you know what will happen."

he hated kim siwoon so much.

had to get some background on yoongi's life

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