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baby: sent 8:14 pm

kookie: sent 8:18 pm
yes, baby?

baby: sent 8:19 pm
do you think hobi's getting birthday sex?

kookie: sent 8:21 pm
why? do you want some for your birthday?

baby: sent 8:22 pm
no, dumbass. i was trying to call him but his phone is off.

kookie: sent 8:23 pm
i would hope he is. at least someone would be getting some.

baby: sent 8:24 pm
what's that supposed to mean? choose you words wisely.

kookie: sent 8:27 pm
it's nothing, baby.

baby: sent 8:29 pm
r u a virgin?

kookie: sent 8:30 pm
probably. unless i hooked up with someone while i was drunk.

baby: sent 8:32 pm
really? you've never had sex?

kookie: sent 8:34 pm
why are u so surprised?

baby: sent 8:37 pm
you just seem like you've done it
baby: sent 8:37 pm
like a couple hundred times

kookie: sent 8:40 pm
and you seem like you get scared when you see your own dick. we both know that's not the case.

baby: sent 8:42 pm
tf is that supposed to mean?

kookie: sent 8:45 pm

baby: sent 8:48 pm
kookie's being mean

kookie: sent 8:48 pm
stop being so adorable

baby: sent 8:49 pm
fuck you

kookie: sent 8:50 pm
i'm sorry, baby, but you started it.

baby: sent 8:51 pm
neither of us will be getting birthday sex since that's how it is.

kookie: sent 8:52 pm
you can't deny me of the booty.

baby: sent 8:53 pm
we'll see.

kookie: sent 8:55 pm
wait, baby, i didn't mean it.

singing about love and where it goes wrong

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