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kookie: sent 2:54 pm
kookie: sent 2:56 pm
kookie: sent 2:57 pm

babe: sent 3:00 pm
i'm at work.
babe: sent 3:01 pm
what do you want?

kookie: sent 3:02 pm
first off, you actually replied to 'babe'
second off, i miss you

babe: sent 3:04 pm
don't get ahead of yourself, idiot.

kookie: sent 3:05 pm
thought you quit your job.

babe: sent 3:07 pm
i did.
i'm working at the music store now.

kookie: sent 3:09 pm
can i come visit you?

babe: sent 3:11 pm
no. go to work.

kookie: sent 3:14 pm
i can't.

babe: sent 3:18 pm
why not?

kookie: sent 3:20 pm
doctors appointment

babe: sent 3:23 pm
do you have monthly check ups or something?

kookie: sent 3:25 pm
something like that.

babe: sent 3:26 pm

kookie: sent 3:27 pm
doctor is calling my name. gtg.

take words out of my mouth just from breathing

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