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yoongi threw on a black coat over his black turtle neck. he'd decided to go with an all black attire and even threw on some black glasses.

he grasped his keys and wallet and opened the door nearly falling back in surprise. there stood jungkook with his bright bunny smile. roses placed delicately in his hands.

yoongi chuckled and closed his door behind him, jungkook placed the flowers in his hand with a soft greeting. ever since jungkook had given him lilacs that day at the hospital he'd grown quite fond of flowers.

"you're so cheesy," he sighed as they began to leave the apartment building, "but, thank you."

jungkook coughed a bit and nodded as he opened the car door for yoongi. he had to borrow the car from jimin who just so happened to be staying home that night. he reminded himself that he'd have to thank him again once he got home.

once both males were seated in the car jungkook began to his destination, yoongi watching the road in anticipation.

"sing for me," yoongi spluttered the words out as the silence made him uneasy. "please."

jungkook nearly crashed the car upon hearing yoongi's request. he enjoyed singing and had a good voice but he hadn't sung for anyone before. not even jimin.

"y-yoongi, i'm sick, hence the mask." the excuse was quick and fairly true.

yoongi cocked his head to the side and looked over to jungkook. "then take me home. didn't i tell you that we would postpone if you were sick."

jungkook sighed in defeat, he'd gotten himself stuck in his own trap. "if you insist then i'll sing for you."

when they'd finally arrived at their destination yoongi was nearly asleep. jungkook's voice really was a lullaby. yoongi had found himself nodding off throughout the ride as he sang.

they exited the car and caught sight of a large historical building. it read something in french but yoongi could tell by the exterior that it was a museum. a fairly large one at that. he looked over to jungkook with questionable eyes.

"how did you pay for this? and it's after hours."

"i didn't pay for it," he motioned for yoongi to follow him, the older rolling his eyes with a rose stuck between his pale fingers. "tae's parents own this building."

yoongi then remembered that taehyung was extremely wealthy he had enough fortune to buy Gucci apparel yet he worked at a small cafe. that boy never failed to amaze yoongi.

they entered the vacant art museum being welcomed by silence and only a few assistants standing nearby bowing politely.

"please take your time. we'll be here if you have any questions or concerns."

the two bowed out of respect, both feeling overwhelmed by the polite assistance. it was something they hadn't ever experienced before, especially yoongi.

they looked around at all the art and scenery which hung neatly on the pale walls. they even goofed around a bit only to be scolded by an assistant. they found themselves holding each other's hand as they viewed more pieces.

at one point jungkook had a coughing fit, excusing himself to the restroom as yoongi sat on a bench waiting quietly. he hadn't had that much fun in a long time. jungkook really brought out the child in him.

yoongi frowned as worry began to engulf his thoughts. jungkook had been sick for the longest time and it was beginning to pick at his nerves. before yoongi could even think of a rationale conclusion jungkook came back with a small smile. yoongi noticed that it didn't quite reach his eyes and he looked tired.

jungkook only took yoongi's smaller hand in his and led him to a large set of ascending stairs. yoongi cocked his head to the side with question. jungkook shrugged and lead yoongi up the steps.

they got to a door at the top of the stairs and as he opened it a pretty view of the night sky greeted him. jungkook sat down on the cover, which had been spread on the ground as he silently coughed. his breathing irregular.

yoongi stood infront of jungkook with all seeing eyes. all day jungkook had been coughing and it was starting to worry him even though it didn't show.

"you're an idiot you know that."


"if you're sick than you should've just stayed home, instead you go to the roof of a museum and sit in the cold."

"yoongi, it's a cold. stuff like this happens."

yoongi only rolled his eyes before sitting down noticing the bottles of wine and boxes of pizza sprawled on the cover. they each took a wine glass and poured just enough wine in so that they wouldn't get drunk. neither actually having much of an appetite for cold pizza.

as they sat in silence watching the night sky, yoongi counted the stars as jungkook looked down over the town. even though it was winter there hadn't been any snow fall.

'if only it could start snowing at this very moment that would be perfect,' he thought as they sat in silence.

it was comfortable and silent just as yoongi liked it and when he looked over to the younger he saw him sprawled on the cover, light puffs of air leaving his mouth.

"what do you wish for, jungkook?"

"i wish to see the sunset from a hill that watches over the entire town before i die."

"you really are an idiot," yoongi mumbled under his breath. "should we go there?"

"yeah, with everyone. one day." jungkook smiled over to yoongi, "should we leave now?" yoongi only nodded and yawned.

when yoongi had returned home he was half sleep as jungkook walked him to his door. "if you try anything i'll kill you."

jungkook gave yoongi a kiss to his forehead and a tight hug before bidding him a farewell accompanied with a small, and tired smile. he almost felt bad for sending him home. almost.

when the lights come on and i'm on my own

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