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the morning of jungkook's dance practice came quickly after his conversation with yoongi. it almost came too quick, leaving jungkook with only five hours of sleep, not nearly as much as he needed in order to get through a day of dance practice.

he didn't blame yoongi for his lack of sleep, however it was somewhat the older's fault. ever since jungkook had became acquainted with the older he found himself wanting to talk with yoongi more than he should. yoongi had piqued an interest in jungkook that kept him craving for more and losing a few hours of sleep was just a consequence for his greedy nature.

the thought of texting his hyung crossed his mind but jungkook's better judgement got the best of him.

"maybe," he thought, "i should just let him sleep."

having come to terms with the fact that yoongi, too, needed sleep, jungkook started to gather himself for the day.

a quick shower took the tension from his body that he'd accumulated during his slumber and rejuvenated him. he was in higher spirits as he raced to the kitchen where he found his house mate.

"jiminie-hyung, why are you still here? i thought you had work."

jimin, having been shaken up by the younger, jumped in his seat, spoonful of cereal loosely hanging from his mouth. he smiled over at the younger male.

"good morning, kookie, you seem to be in a good mood," he looked down at his phone before shoving it into the pocket of his gray joggers, "i'm going to dance practice today, too."

jungkook smiled brightly, he hadn't had jimin dancing with him for almost a year since the older was always working.

"so, we get to dance together?"

jimin frowned, jungkook took notice and frowned as well.

"no. i was assigned to a different studio. since i've been gone they have added a handful of people so they put me in another grouping."

"they can't just replace you." jungkook frowned even more at the new information, irritation now evident on his face. he was finally stable, and then he'd received another hurdle to overcome as if he could never catch a break.

jimin was jungkook's dancing partner since he'd joined the dance team, and he was primarily one of the only reasons why the younger had joined in the first place. jimin was the only person that he trusted to dance alongside him, granted, he did have his team mates but they didn't know him like jimin knew him. they hadn't developed that mutual trust like jimin and himself.

"apparently they can just replace people, kookie. don't worry i'll just be in another room."

jungkook's exhaustion began to take its toll as the realization settled in. his eyes began to burn as he made his way to the door, not even bothered to make breakfast.

jimin washed his bowl and grabbed a breakfast bar for the younger before he made his way to the door as well. the two left in silence.

when they'd reached the dance studio jungkook had contemplated whether or not he'd ever done anything to deserve his fate at the moment. during the car ride to the studio he had texted yoongi and received no reply. after that he decided to sleep in his seat as jimin took slight glances toward him, worry evident in his eyes.

as they entered the building jungkook groaned and continued to check his messages as he grew annoyed. he'd seen that yoongi had read his message but still hadn't replied. his exhaustion grew more evident as well as his annoyance.

as the two males went their separate ways jimin threw the breakfast bar at jungkook and gave him a light pat on the back.

"cheer up."

jungkook only rolled his eyes and watched as jimin entered the studio which happened to be unusually loud that day.

'must be hoseok.'

before he entered his separate studio where his team waited jungkook couldn't help but over hear the conversation from jimin's new team.

"it seems that we have two new members."

"no, i'm not a member. matter of fact, i don't even know why i'm here. also, i don't really dance."


"well, since you're here you should dance, and hoseok stop laughing at him. jimin come over here and i'll give you a run down of the routine."

jungkook quickly dropped the conversation and walked to the door of his team's assigned room. his suspicion of the other new member quickly being forgotten as he remembered why he was so annoyed.

his hand reached the knob and just as he willed himself to twist a hand was placed on his shoulder. he spun around with a look of annoyance.


"i hope you weren't planning on eavesdropping, jungkook."

the younger of the two shook his head as he just barely suppressed a scoff. his earlier suspicions of the new member having resided in his head once again.

the two entered their designated studio as their team sat on the floor performing stretches and talking amongst themselves. they threw their bags down in a corner and began their stretches as well.

"so, what exactly were you doing at that door?"

jungkook yawned as he stopped his stretches, he was feeling too tired to even comprehend half of what was being said.

"i heard that there was a new member."

namjoon nodded and continued his stretches as jungkook pulled out the breakfast bar and began snacking on it. namjoon was one of the other people who jungkook had grown fairly close to but that was because namjoon's lover was the owner at his job.

"apparently hoseok brought him here and he doesn't have a clue about dancing, kind of like me when i first started here."

"isn't that how we all start off?"

"i supposed that's the very essence of life. starting off not knowing anything and gradually learning as you grow throughout the years. maybe that is the meaning of youth and age."

"hyung, please not now."

namjoon having finished with his short lesson. stood up from the floor and smiled down at jungkook. he was always the type to teach as he learned, it was a trait which jungkook had noticed since he's known him.

"well, the only other thing i know about him is that he's short, like-jimin-short."

jungkook laughed as namjoon began to walk off toward the dance instructor. he reached in his pocket as his phone vibrated. he'd finally received a message from yoongi, it was short and sweet.

yoongs: sent 6:45 am
save me

as jungkook began to type back a reply the instructor called everyone to gather around. the message being disregarded as jungkook followed the instructions.

half way through the dance practice jungkook began to feel lightheaded and nauseous. his movements were sluggish and he was sweating more than usual. namjoon, having noticed the younger's struggle, told him to get water.

jungkook took his hyung's advice and went over to his bag. he reached for his disregarded phone and notice that he had another message from yoongi. as he began to type a reply his exhaustion took its effect as his tunnel vision dispelled and his knees gave out. for a moment he could see everything and then in a blink he was engulfed in darkness.

i was busy thinking 'bout boys

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