Red in the City of Silver

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            As Amara swam deeper into the crystal-clear water, I followed after her, away from the island before eventually circling back around to view the way we came. I excepted to see the dock in the distance, the boards morphed by the turquoise water.

There was no dock. No even the gradual descending of the beach under the water.

Instead, I turned to see that this massive island of wonders was actually floating, and underneath of it was an expansive stretch of spiraling silver spires and crystal peaks. A city, glittering the few bits of sun rays that could reach it.

A castle stood tall in the center, cut out of shining silver colored metal and surrounded by smaller but equally as mesmerizing buildings. The very tips of the castle touched the bottom of the island, making it look like it was holding the massive land mass up. The towers that didn't connect to the underside of the island were tipped with crystal pieces that glowed like stars were hidden inside.

Smooth bent beams ran every which way, like walkways or tunnels.

And on those walkways, swam people, people like me.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Amara said by my side. I could only nod, afraid if I looked away for a single second it would all disappear.

This place was huge, larger than the other divisions on the island. "Are there really so many of us that it fills the place?" It could house thousands of people, maybe more.

"No," she murmured, "but there used to be."

"What do you mean?" I asked finally looking at her.

"Every sector used to be this big. Every part of the island used to be made in this city's image. But just after I sent you and your sister away, the island was attacked, and most of the island was destroyed. This was the only part of Olympus that remained intact. Only one of us can make it below."

There was pain etched on her face, for ferocious I thought she might double over with it.

"Amara," I began after a long moment, not fully understanding myself what I was asking. "Do you think we could win this time, even without the dividend?"

A morbid laugh left her mouth. "We don't stand a chance. Our numbers are half of what they used to be, and we could barely hold him off last time," she answered looking down into the sand far below us.

And I was nauseous all over again. I never asked for this.

"Do not worry Marielle," Amara said with a fond smile tossed in my direction. "We will find our savior soon."

She pushed away from our position and headed toward the island, leaving me to cringe behind her as I followed.

The closer we got the more beautiful it became. I turned to see her watching me, a smile on her face.

"They call it The City of Silver," she said as I particular piece of the city glittered with light. It was like this place was alive. My hand stretched out, fingers trailing along with smooth metal. It was like silk under my fingertips.

"It's real silver," she said coming up beside me. "The whole city is made of it."

I felt my mouth drop open as I looked up at the massive towers. Her hand closed around my wrist as she dragged me under as beam and farther into the city.

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