Two Rambles?

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Yes, Another Ramble.
Because I felt like it ;-;
*Shuffling papers*
I have spent many hours questioning existence. Why are we here? What is the point of our existence/creation?  Why we're created?

These are the answers I have come up with.

Why are we here?
Our species, Homo sapien, Humans, Mankind, We exist simply because we refuse to die. Despite the suffering of existing, We still struggle and fight to stay alive.

Human kind is the most advanced, Most powerful, most deadly, Species  we know about.
Yet we are the most corrupt and the most stupid species. We care only for ourselves while animals don't know the difference between right and wrong. They just go through the motions of their existence.
They are born, they reproduce, then they die. Animals are the purest creatures in my opinion. They are controlled by instincts while humans are controlled by selfishness and temptation.
Why only Humans know the difference between right and wrong, the concept of reality, and advanced decision making, is unknown to me.
It's just the way it is.

  Let's take dogs for example.
Dogs, in my opinion are the best creature on this miserable ball of dirt and magma flying through space we call EARTH.
  They have no sense of right and wrong therefore they cannot sin. They don't know any better. They just go about their business doing doggie things.  No dog is born a vicious killer. They are taught that. Guess who teaches them that?
You guessed it Homo sapien
Our cruelty can corrupt such innocent creatures.

Our Evil is like a parasite, Spreading and infecting everyone around us, Like a Rapidly Spread Incurable disease.
But not everyone, there are people here on this wad of dirt that are incredible. They are kind and they are good, yet their kindness is hidden by the disgust of the others around them. 

People like Lynxstorm27 Who beings cheer wherever she goes.
People like Oziach Who is a kind-hearted dude with a good head on his shoulders.
People like SilentArtist123 Who is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet
People like miiins Who is always there for you and always has your back.
People like-PxstelStars  who are blessings to those around them, even though they can't see it
People like rocketor who is kind to everyone they meet and always lends a shoulder to cry on.
People like MistyDejection Who encourages you and sticks with you through thick and thin giving you as much love as humanly possible with doing so.
People like Cyberburrito Whos just a plain goofball and can always make you smile.

It's people like this that make this planet keep turning. Without people like this. Our world would fall apart.

Im going to stop being edgy and try and sleep.
Love you all!

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