Nothing wrong with being yoself

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Mmm When I thought my self-confidence couldn't get any lower.

Something that really salts my apples

People using the word bi-polar as an excuse for being actual pricks-

"Omg my Mom is so bi-polar she yelled at me then was super nice 2 minutes later."

Mmm what now?

*pushes up glasses*

"A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. Requires a medical diagnosis

Manic episodes may include symptoms such as high energy, reduced need for sleep, and loss of touch with reality. Depressive episodes may include symptoms such as low energy, low motivation, and loss of interest in daily activities. Mood episodes last days to months at a time and may also be associated with suicidal thoughts.

People may experience:

Mood: mood swings, sadness, elevated mood, anger, anxiety, apathy, apprehension, euphoria, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest, or loss of interest or pleasure in activities

Behavioral: irritability, risk taking behaviorsspeakingnized behavior, aggression, agitation, crying, excess desire for sex, hyperactivity, impulsivity, restlessness, or self-harm

Cognitive: unwanted thoughts, delusion, lack of concentration, racing thoughts, slowness in activity, or false belief of superiority

Psychological: depression, manic episode, agitated depression, or paranoia

Sleep: difficulty falling asleep or excess sleepiness

Weight: weight gain or weight loss

Also common: fatigue or rapid and frenzied speaking"

Definition of Bipolar disorder. ^

What Isn't  bipolar is you being an actual douche and blaming it on a mental disorder you probably don't have!

Don't.get me wrong, any number of these people could actually have Bipolar disorder but Im willing to be they are using the term inaccurately.

They talk about it like it's a bad thing that makes bad people but it's not.

I makes people sad and hyper and somewhere in between. Just because you have problems sometimes and need extra
Love and encouragement doesn't make you a bad person at all.

I have Bipolar disorder.
Clinically diagnosed.

But Im not a bad person, at least I don't think I am.

Same goes for Homosexuality. Don't use "gay" as an insult because I will actually backhand you.

Another think that isn't funny
Rape jokes.
  Do you know how mentally scarring Rape and sexual abuse can be?
  It's not funny so stop. :)
Someone touching your arm doesn't warrant yourshouting, "Rape Rape!"
It's insensitive and really freaking rude. Not to mention immature.


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