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This isn't a sophisticated rant.
It's just me whining about my petty problems.

I got new classes this semester and  I am completely alone and every single class. I don't know Anyone. Everyone is saying I can make new friends. Even If I got over my fears and tried all the kids in my classes are f--kboys and white girls.

I had one class with a friend and he make my Graphic design and culinary art so much more fun but I got them switched and he didn't

So Im alone in a quiet room staring at a computer.
It sucks.
Really badly actually.
My bad thoughts are back. My therapist told my Mom to hide the pills and guns.
A bit unnecessary but its ok. I just dont like change. I can tell she's very worried about me.

I just feel so alone. I have so many online friends and I skype my friends alot, but its not the same.
Im so depressed and tired all the time. I can't stand it.

Im sorry.

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