Chapter 6 - A kiss

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Apparently, Hermione and Remus being attacked by a Boggart was interesting news for the gossips. Everyone in their year knew about the little event by Monday morning. And everyone thought that Remus and Hermione were now a couple, including their closest friends.

For this reason, Hermione had mostly spent all her time in the library, avoiding people in general. She searched through heavy spell books, searching for certain spells. Mainly, one that would track everyone in a certain place on to a map. And also, she searched through books of healthcare, searching for some sort of an illness that would last over five years that would mean their son would have to visit them every month. There was nothing. The only thing in relation to the months cycle was Werewolves, and Hermione seriously doubted that Remus's mother was a Werewolf.

Other than her long periods of time at the library, it had been a relatively normal week. The lessons passed slowly, Hermione studied hard and then laughed and talked with her friends after classes. It was quite boring, really.

On Friday afternoon, after Charms class, Hermione agreed to wake about eight o'clock to meet Remus for breakfast, instead of a ridiculously early time. As classes were over, Hermione then proceeded to walk away to the library by herself. It was relatively quiet in there, so she could pour over books for a long while without being noticed. However, she found herself unable to concentrate. Her mind was directed towards Remus's mysterious nature. Where did he keep going once a month? Why did he leave in the evening? Why did he lie? What was the meaning of his Boggart?

Hermione chucked her heavy spell book aside furiously, and settled for some lighter reading. How to arm yourself against magical beasts. It was a book that had been assigned for the class to read a month ago in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and she had completed it in three days. There was no harm in reading it again.

She flicked through the pages tiresomely, her heart skipping a beat at the Boggart page. She read it quickly and shivered. The next page was of Werewolves. A ferocious picture of a terrifying Werewolf seemed to jump out at her. She read the lines above it. Unlike Animagi, the Werewolf has no choice to change. Once a month, at the full moon, it changes.

Just by instinct, Hermione looked up at the darkening sky through a window. It was a half moon, it had been two weeks since the last full moon.

Two weeks since Remus had last "visited his mother".

At first the idea seemed ludicrous, and Hermione almost laughed that she had come up with that possibility. But then it became all too possible. Remus was lead away by Madame Pomfrey once a month, at the night of the full moon. He looked ill in the days before then. He lied about where he was going. And his Boggart... it was of his best friends being killed by a Werewolf. It all added up! At the full moon, Madame Pomfrey must take him into the grounds - or somewhere -, where he changes into a Werewolf, far away from all his friends.

But this was Remus. Her Remus. How could someone as lovely and as kind and shy as him, possibly turn into a monster monthly!?

Hermione shut her book suddenly with a thump, she thrust it aside and left for the common room.She rushed up the confusing steps and burst into the Common Room. Weirdly, Sirius was standing at the door. Their eyes locked for a few moments and Hermione felt herself flush. 

"Sorry," she mumbled, making to go and run past him.

"Are you alright, Granger? You look sorta... wild."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "That's appreciated. Excuse me,"

Sirius let her rush past, feeling genuinely concerned for her.

Hermione almost flung herself at her bed and dug her head in her pillow in frustration, trying to make sense of things.

"You okay, Hermione?" Lily asked from behind her.

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