Chapter 8 - Healing and breaking

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Hermione awoke to James, Sirius and Peter sitting at her side anxiously. She immediately sat up as she saw them. The first two gasped in relief.

"Thank God you're awake!" Sirius said.

Hermione blinked several times to settle her vision. There were three beds around her and they were draped in red and gold. The colours of Griffindor.

"What - where am I?" Hermione mumbled.

"We're in our Dormitory. We couldn't take you to the Hospital Wing, it would be to risky. If they found out that Remus had attacked a student, they'd expel him."

Hermione glanced at her arm. Her long sleeved robes were off, so she was in her shirt and trousers that were underneath. Her arm had three long and deep scratches. They were not bleeding, but they were in no way healed.

"I'm sorry. We did the best we can." Sirius mumbled.

"Thanks," Hermione nodded. "What happened - when I passed out?"

The three of then exchanged glances.

"Because I think I was hallucinating: I saw the both of you transform into a dog and a stag," Hermione continued groggily.

Sirius and James whispered for a few moments as she rubbed her head.

"I guess we have to tell you everything," Peter sighed.

"In our second year, we were obviously suspicious about where Remus was going once a month on the full moon. Like you, we figured it out and didn't make a fuss. He was - and still is - ashamed of it. We didn't see it as that much of a deal, but we wanted to help him. Then we learnt about Animagi." Sirius said and Hermione gasped.

"Are you saying-?"

"Ssh. Let me continue. So, for the next three years we created the potion for Animagi and it wasn't until the end of last year that we finally competed it. Now every month we go out after Remus and hang with him in our animal forms. Werewolves are more comfortable with animals such as dogs, stags, and even rats."

"You're unregistered Animagi? Are you crazy? It's illegal!"

Sirius sighed. "It's all for the greater good."

Hermione glared.

"But you can't tell anyone. Not Lily, or anyone else!"

"Literally," Sirius said. "You made an Unbreakable Vow that you would never tell on us."

Hermione resisted the urge to slap him. "Fine. Whatever. What time is it?" She asked.

"Eleven." Peter answered shortly.

"So I've been out for about twelve hours."

"Actually, around thirty six. It's Monday today." Sirius said anxiously.

"What? I've been out for over twenty four hours? And we're missing out on lessons? We'll get in trouble!"

"Well getting into trouble is second nature for us. And yeah, we decided that if you were still unconscious at 6pm we would take you to the Hospital Wing. But you're okay now, so no harm done." Sirius joked.

"It's only a day, no one will notice," James added.

"Why aren't you all in lessons?"

"At least one of us has been sitting here since that Saturday evening. We were worried you wouldn't wake up."

A surge of gratefullness went through hermione, and she resisted the temptation to hug them all. "Well, thanks. That's really... good of you. Where is Remus?"

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