Chapter 23 - Finally resolving

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Surprisingly and worryingly for Lily, James made no action of bullying any students whatsoever in the following weeks, which soon developed into months. Somehow, they began to talk. Only once a week or so they had a quick but genuine conversation. Lily almost enjoyed their two minute talks, which were mostly about lessons and the ridiculous amount of homework they had. One time James even asked her to do their Potions assignment, which she responded to with a laugh and sarcastic "Hey there, we're not quite there in our relationship yet."
It was strange, she never would have said anything like that just a few weeks ago. If she was perfectly honest, she was somehow growing...fond of him... Euh, the thought gave her shivers.

Hermione walked across the grounds by herself on the second to last day of term. She sat by the lake just as the sun began to go down. Maybe her friends would be missing her in their dormitory, but at that precise moment, she didn't care. In two days she'd be back home, to be honest that was not a comforting thought. Hermione just wanted a few moments to herself before she had to leave in the next few days. She stared out at the lake, watching the sun go down behind it. It was so beautiful... so captivating...

"Hi Granger." Said a familiar voice.

Hermione jumped slightly and turned around to look at him. Remus stood anxiously in front of her, wringing his hands.

"Hi Lupin." She said quietly.

"Can I sit?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, sure." She eyed him in confusion.

Remus sat down close to her, he fidgeted slightly, seeming like he wa about to say something.

"Look... Granger... I..." He started.

Hermione waited, slightly impatiently.

"I'm really sorry about everything that happened. I just thought that you should probably know..."

"It's okay, Lupin. I understand."

He seemed to almost smile, but something still played on his tongue.

"Also, I... I really care about you and I hope we can still be friends or..."

Hermione stopped him and smiled. "Lupin. It's okay."

"I know its taken me a long time to say it, but I still feel really bad about breaking up with you and I really do have feelings for you, I just don't want you to get hurt again..."

Hermione was silent. "I don't want to go through this again with you, Lupin. I understand why you did what you did. To be honest, it was almost admirable, even if it was stupid. But I'm over it. I just want to be your friend. I'll always love you as a friend."

Remus's breath hitched in his throat. "Thanks Hermione."

"You're welcome." She whispered quietly back. Then she turned towards him and embraced him in a hug. There was nothing romantic about it. It just felt natural. She held on to Remus's skinny body tightly. It was a symbol of their friendship. When they finally released, they continued to look out at the water. Ridiculously cheesy and cliche, except it wasn't romantic. It was a nice view for two friends, and that was as perfect as it could be.

AN: ew much cheese!! But cute right? I'm about five chapters ahead and things get saddd. Whoops. Thanks for reading. :) BUT WAIT, what are you shipping so far? I just want an idea of what's more popular: Hermione/Remus or Hermione/Sirius? The next chapter is more exciting, I promise! Seriously tho, excitement happens! ;)

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