Chapter 33 - The Attack

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On the fifth day before the school year ended, Hermione and Mary walked across the Hogwarts grounds, wistfully staring out at the lake. A week from now and they might never see it again. Or so that applied for one of them at least.

Lily was way further ahead, walking hand in hand with James and Marlene and hurried of to the Owlery, so it was just Mary and Hermione who talked about Hogwarts, foreseeing how much they'd miss it. They sat under a tree, right next to a side door into Hogwarts as they laughed about their old memories. How much they had changed. How much they had gone through. It was reaching nightfall by the time that they realised Lily probably would be staying outside with James doing god knows what. Hermione stood up, brushing the grass off her robes and sighing. Mary did likewise and smiled sadly. There was a sad, quiet aura about them. The knowledge that they'd maybe never again sit under the same tree and talk for hours at Hogwarts, drooped down on them. Mary shrugged. "Ah well. I'm getting chilly, come on- let's go."

Hermione shivered as they walked in through the side door into Hogwarts. It was surprisingly dark inside, but Hermione thought nothing of it as she laughed at Mary's joke about the Slytherins, which was a bit risky considering they were right outside the Slytherins' dormitory. Suddenly, Hermione felt someone grab her waist. Caught by surprise, she screamed. Instantly, a hand was over her mouth. Shocked and terrified, Hermione struggled against whoever was holding her. She bit down on his hand. Whoever was holding her gave a roar of outrage, but kept his hand over her mouth. She kicked about blindly, seeing that someone had grabbed Mary too. She could just about make out her muffled screams. Caught in panic, Hermione kicked and punched and struggled against the firm grip. She was pushed down the hallway. Her hands strapped over her stomach by the man's arm. They headed down the hall, past the Slytherin common room, towards cloaked figures.

"Mudbloods?" A man spoke from the end of the hall.

"Yeah, the filth." Mary's handler spat.

"You idiots! Call yourselves pureblooded wizards?" A woman spoke with a harsh voice. She whipped out her wand. Hermione tried to scream again.

"Silencio! Silencio!" The cloaked woman shrieked, jinxing Mary and Hermione into silence. Hermione's attacker released his grip from her mouth and clasped her hands instead.

"Why didn't you just jinx them?" Someone else asked. Someone who sounded all to familiar.

"Sev?" Hermione mouthed, though not a sound escaped her lips.

"Shut up Snape." Mary's attacker spat. Hermione felt her own handler snort.

"Fine Snape. You jinx them."

Hermione almost began to relax. There was no way Snape would curse them. Sensing a weak point in (presumably the Slytherin's plan), Hermione relaxed her arms. Her attacker loosened his grip slightly. Very slowly she edged her hands to her robe's pockets whilst Snape mumbled.


"You're idea Snivellus."

"Don't call me that!" Snape snapped, speeding forward to the boy who held Mary.

"I'll talk to you however I damn well please, you're just a Spinner's End boy! Go complain to your mummy if you have a problem with me. Oh wait, she doesn't give a fuck about you."

Snape gave a snakelike hiss of outrage and he whipped out his wand. Instantly, Mary's attacker released her and took out his own wand laughingly. In a flash, Mary was racing down the hall. Hermione whipped around, trying to yell for her to stop. There was no way she would make it. Racing down the hall. No way.

"IMPERIO!" Snape yelled.

Immediately, Mary halted. She stood frozen to the spot. Hermione's breath hitched in her throat. Snape stood with his wand outstretched, his arm shaking rapidly.

Turn back time - Hermione Granger in the Marauders eraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu