Chapter 24 - Spying

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Sirius Black watched the two figures at the lake anxiously. Maybe it was considered creepy that he followed them, or maybe it was just naturally protective. Except he couldn't figure out who he was being protective of. For a number of seconds, his heart stopped as the two of them hugged each other. For a moment there he was sure they were going to kiss. Sheltered under a large tree, reasonably distant from them, he couldn't hear a word they were saying, although he strained his ears. His heart beat faster with worry at the thought of them maybe discussing reestablishing their relationship. But he was being ridiculous and selfish. He would always put any of his friend's happinessess before his own. Overwhelmed with the feeling of self hatred, Sirius contemplated running back inside, but then he saw Hermione stand up. Recovering himself, he stood up and started walking slowly, as if he had been naturally walking along all this time. Hermione seemed to be saying goodbye to Remus, and then she turned towards where he walked. He walked on as if he hadn't noticed her. But then she started walking towards him. Out of the earshot of Remus, she called out "Black?"

"Hey Granger." He said smoothly.

"What are you doing out? If you get caught again McGonnagal will murder you!"

"That's a risk I'm willing to take. Besides, I was only looking for Moony."

"He's right there. I was just talking to him."

Sirius tried to play innocent and naive. "Oh good... so are you back together then?" He said, even in his head he sounded spiteful.

Hermione breathed out sharply. "No of course not! Am I not allowed to talk to someone without you presuming I'm in a relationship with them?"

Sirius blinked in surprise. "What? No. I just... I don't know."

"Besides, I'm interested in someone else." She added suddenly.

Sirius heart filled with jealousy. "Who?" He said a little more sharply than he meant to.

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "Why would I tell you?"

"I don't know. Why would I tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Who I'm interested in."

Hermione glared at him. "This is ridiculous. I'm going back to the Common Room before it gets too dark."

"Allow me to escort you."

She rolled her eyes and sighed, but didn't resist Sirius taking a firm grasp of her arm and mockingly escorting her inside.

"You're quiet. Too busy feeling overwhelmed at my stunning looks?" Sirius teased.

"For Merlins sake, you're an ass."

"I know. But I can be nice when I want to be."

"Oh really, when?"

"Try me any day that doesn't end in y." He laughed as the steps changed. "And I'm an old romantic. That's nice, right?"

"Old romantic! As if!"

"I'm very romantic."

Hermione scoffed. "Oh really?"



"Well, if we walked up to the Astronomy Tower and admired the beautiful view of the Hogwarts grounds. And then I held you in my arms and said some long speech about how beautiful you were and then kissed you-"

"Knowing you, you'd then push me off the tower!"

"Real funny." He said sarcastically. "But other than that, would that not be romantic?"

"Sure, whatever you want to believe."

"Want to take a trip up to the Astronomy Tower?" Sirius asked teasingly as they reached the seventh floor.

Hermione laughed shortly. "How about no?" Then she said "Stary nights." to the Fat Lady portrait, who swung open.

"I guess this view will have to do then." Sirius said abruptly as he grasped her arm and pulled her back towards him.

And then all of a sudden she was in his arms, and he was kissing her. His grip was tight but his lips were soft. Hermione was too shocked to even struggle. But why should she struggle? Sirius was kissing her so longingly and forcefully, so that what else could she do other than kiss him back?

And she did kiss him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips crashed together again and again. She was oblivious to everything other than the feel of his lips against her own. She stroked across his cheek as he ran his fingers through her hair. Then Sirius pushed them both to the railing of the stairs. One slip and they'd both fall, but that was a risk they were willing to take.

The bars of the stair balcony dug into Hermione's lower back, but she didn't care. She let Sirius push her further back into it as he kissed her forcefully. Too soon, their lips disconnected as Sirius leaned over Hermione. Their lips still only inches apart. He took a hold of her hips. "Maybe I should drop you over, like you thought I would." He whispered as he lifted her slightly, as if he really were about to push her off. She sat down on the balcony willingly.

"Don't you dare!" She whispered back, and then she kissed him again. Sirius still kept a hold of her hips as they kissed.

Then a sudden gasp sounded behind them.

Hermione and Sirius immediately stopped as they turned around.

Standing in the doorway of the Griffindor Common Room stood Lily and James, with their mouths open.

Quickly, Hermione slid of the balcony and patted her hair down, but Sirius just leaned back in relaxation and laughed. Hermione shot him a glare as Lily started with "What is..."

"Going on here?" James finished for her.

"How cute. You're already finishing each others sentences!" Sirius said smoothly. Instantly, Lily stepped away slightly from James, who almost grinned.

"Umm... I... we..."

"We were just going to bed." Sirius said.

Lily and James simultaneously raised their eyebrows.

"Separately. Obviously." Sirius said, and he smoothly walked past the both of them.

"Where do you think you're going?" James called after him, and he ran after him into their dormitory. Leaving Hermione awkwardly standing there just with Lily who had her hands on her hips.

"Care to explain?" She asked.

Hermione swallowed. "I don't know... It just sort of happened. He just kissed me... Maybe we should just pretend it didn't happen."

Lily continued to pester Hermione with questions as they walked to their Dormitory. Mary and Marlene sat in their beds. "Where have you been?" Mary asked.

"You'll never guess what just happened!" Lily said and immediately launched into the story as Hermione rolled into her pillow and groaned, ignoring her friends excited questions. She pretended to fall asleep straight away, when actually she was awake for hours thinking confusedly of the days events.

Meanwhile Sirius lay in bed, with a grin stretching from ear to ear. Maybe she liked him back.

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