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Why so all my friends decide to leave me. Like they say they love me or they care about me. But deep down inside did you really? The whole time we were friends did you really care about me or love me and decided to be friends with me out of sympathy?

Its like this whole time he Christan didn't care about me and decided to ditch me cause oh i have to many friends.

And this other person that im not naming cause they hurt me real bad. I dont really care if you are reading this. A long time ago i didnt want to be friends with you. But then i did and i started helping you. But then you go ahead and accuse me of doing shit. Sure some of it was the truth but not all. I never said i was replacing you but you didnt give a fuck cause you dont care about anything else but you. Yeah i said it. Cause this whole time we were friends i only thought about that. I didnt want you to go without friends so i stayed with you.

But to those who read this cause you love me and you like reading my books im sorry you had to listen to this.

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