Tdg Is My Family???!?!!

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So when i got home from school today i fell asleep. And of course i dreamed.

So in this dream my friend @NeXtGeNeRaTiOnBaTmAn was in it with her dog onyx. We were like our normal ages but for some reason we could drive? So we drove over to someones house to drop off Onyx. But we stopped by the store first and bought stuff. Apparently three pairs of shoes, clothes and dog treats.

Turns out the house was three days grace. So i was all jambled in the back, pants falling off and stuck in between the center console and the drivers seat and the back seat.

So Michelle and Matt bribe Onyx out the car with the snacks and i have to shut the car doors. I got unstuck and shut all of them before sitting on the back seat trying to pull my pants up. Also looking for the shoes. Michelle and Matt get in the back seat with me but with Matt on my right. Michelle helps me find the pair to my shoe.

Neil got in the front and smiled at me. I pulled up a three fays grace hoodie and matt smirks. Me and Michelle were like talking over what we bought at the store then found the shoe.

So after i put it on pull up my pants again then the car starts driving. I looked over and didnt see Anyone in the seat. So i yelled, "Wait who the fuck is driving the car!" Brad turned his face and everyone laughed.

"He right there. Hes been there the whole time." matt said but that wasnt the exact thing he said i dont remember.

"Oh. Im sorry i didnt see anyone in the seat!" i yelled.

It wasn't long after that we stopped at a gas station. Someone came over to the window and like talked and it was my Dad. Me and Michelle whined cause that means we didnt get to ride with them anymore

"Ill let them stay." i heard him say.

He opened Matt's door and looked at us. "Ill let you guys have fun." Then he closed it, got in his truck where my brother was and drove off.

Soon after we did and further down the road Neil goes. Oh and apparently he's driving now. "Are you guys hungry?" We all say yeah why? Then he goes "well we are gonna go have some fun."

We went to a restaurant and ate then the a park? Its late at night take note.

Next thing i know im waking up in my bed (still the dream) and go to the kitchen and saw my dad. I go over and hug him and ask, "why did you let us stay with them?"

"Because you havent stayed with them long and i wanted you to have fun. After all they are your cousins." and the scene disappears.

Im now looking down at a phone uploading a video to god knows what and commenting
I love this band and so on dont remember the whole thing but at the end it says i hope my family all sees this especially my dad. Then i went out side somewhere.

Dont know what happens.......

I go inside this big house see andy Biersack and walk up to him saying hey dad. And i dont know what happened after that.

Looks at comment from video and its from Ashley Purdy he says we all love you too and by the way we all saw this :)

Out side i shoved a girl she didn't get hurt and keep in mind Andy is watching this all, she gets in a hole in the ground filled with water curls up and starts calling for help and crying.

Andy got triggered and and yelled. "Pushed you!! That is my daughter yo..." Matt stopped him.

Thats when i woke up for real in the real world with slobber all over my hand and face. It was a weird dream.

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