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So i just had a dream and it was really weird but it got me thinking.

So basically in the dream a bunch of people were in a huge room filled with tables and chairs and the room was sorta dark. It was like so kinda protection program but i dont remember why were there.

So in the dream i was one of the new comers and i walked in and saw every one laughing and having a good time while there is me who arrived crying and hid in the corner almost like i just saw something that ruined my life. But i was so scared and i didn't know anyone there.

Before i walked in the room they had us like change and shower and like prepare us for the room.

So from the corner, crying, i looked around the room. Some people were laughing and some were just blank. They didnt know what to do while others stared at me, the new comer.

I noticed (as i was awake) that one of those said people having a good time while looking at me was this guy i know as my crush.

So later on in the dream i would go to this therapist? Im not quite sure what it was but we would talk about what happened and all. Then i would go back to the room and that guy would look at me with sympathy cause once again i had no one in that room and i was scared.

So everyday we would leave the room for like 30 minutes at a time and you had like three of those a day.

But then it cuts to like a part in the dream where me and my brother are lost on the streets looking for a way back. And a bunch of people would be walking the streets cause they were also lost and i remember grabbing a free jacket cause it get like really cold at night.

I dont really know much after we were walking or during but i remember a part in the dream before we go back to the room that we were at this tent and it was a couple of guys talking about music and what not and my friends brother was there. I thought it was so weird.

Later on i was back in the room and like a big crisis was going on and what not. That guy eventually came up to me and said something like are you ok or why are you so lonely.

Thats all i remember before i woke up. So i thought about it after a while and i noticed that everyone in the dream was people i have met before and it got me thinking.

What if that dream was the real world? A world were were in a room hiding from something and the stuff that is going on around you is a dream. That the people youve met are the people in the real world in that room or people that you see outside that room?

So when we are awake in this world it means we are sleeping in that world. And vise versa.

It was a weird dream and it really got me thinking.

Oh and also this was the second time in a row that i had a dream with the same people in it. So like my friends brother and my brother and my crush.

But in the last dream it had more people in it. Is that weird?

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