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I had the most awkwardest situations in my life.

So our school had a tornado drill. Telling us what to do if there was a tornado. So in my class there is this guy that im like 97 percent sure that he likes me. Like he trys to get me to laugh and what not.

And this guy was in my presentation group like always so at the time before the drill we were like talking to other people in the class.

So when my class had to go to the front of the class when they called out the drill. This guy followed me cause we were talking about something i forget what the hell we were talking about and we were told to sit against the wall with the class.

Well dumb ass us didn't get there till every one was already there and so we have to fit in the corner. So i sat down next to him and for five minutes his leg was touching mine while talking to me. And he was aware of it. It was so awkward. I just didn't want to move my leg tho.

But once it was over i stood up and went back to my seat which is like in front of him.

Its funny cause i am assigned a seat on the other side of the class room but every time i walk in i go over to him and sit in the desk next to them.

So yeah that was my awkward situation.

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