That Was Me Once

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Mum: Have you got everything munchkin?

You scan over your suitcase before nodding to no one in particular.

You: Yea!

Your voice cracked, showing a lot of nerve and the anxiety you're having at the moment.

Your mum knocked at your already open door, her head peeping from the corner.

Mum: Have you got your toothbrush?
You: Yup.
Mum: Medication?
You: Nope.

You ran to the bathroom and grab the small pill bottle.

You: Yup. Anything else on your checklist?
Mum: Charger?
You: I'll take that tomorrow.
Mum: Spare underwe-
You: Ok, mother, I'm sure I have everything.

You pushed your mum out your room and closed the door.

Mum: Love you!
You: Love you too.

You whispered it.

A week, in Paris, sharing a room with Tae. How am I going to survive?



You felt a cold presence run down your face and chest. You stand up instantly from the coldness and realise it was water.

Ary had a big grin plastered on her face as she looked at her mischievous plan work perfectly.

Ary: Good morning.

You roll your eyes at her and go take a shower.


Jungkook: Where is she? Is she even coming? What if she decides to not go? TAE THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!

Taehyung doesn't move. He doesn't even get angry at the younger boy screaming informally at him.

Namjoon: Yah, Jungkook-ssi, don't talk to him like that, he's older.

Jungkook mutters something.

Namjoon: Why are you so obsessive over her coming anyways? Did your tiny baby heart develop feelings for your little Y/N noona?

You were only older than Jungkook by a couple of months, yet he still decides to call you noona.

Tae's jaw clenched at the sentence.

Jimin: But- but Y/N said she was gonna come.
Yoongi: Ar- her cousin said she's bringing her here.

Yoongi kept replaying the moment when Ary dumped him. You were always in his head, but now Ary's words kept repeating instead.

"If you love Y/N, then go get her. If you love me, I'll be here. 'Cause no matter who you choose, no matter how many guys I may find, I will still love you."

The scene of her crying replays in his head, causing his own tears to threaten to come out.

"But I love Y/N more. So if you choose her, please take care of her. Feed her plenty so her chubby cheeks are still present. Make sure she drinks water, no fizzy drinks or alcohol, they don't go well with her tummy. Give her plenty of attention or she'll feel like she had no impact on you. Treat her like the little princess she is, because that's what she is to me. She's my little princess. No matter how much she hates being called that, she is. Make sure to cuddle her. Hide under the covers and sing her lullabies when there's a lightning or thunderstorm. Don't talk, just listen whenever she's upset and wants to rant...."

He remembers the tears, the nervous laughs and the voice cracks that kept leaving Ary's lips.

"And don't hurt her. Don't mention the people who have hurt her. Don't mention anything that might injure her and DON'T let her see any violence."

A defeated teardrop runs down his cheek.

Jimin: Yoongi-hyung? Are you ok?

Yoongi swipes the tears away and shakes his head, blinking multiple times.

Yoongi: Yea, a bit of dust just went in my eye, that's all.

Just then, you walk through the doors.


Taehyung's whole body freezes, tensing up, knowing that it's you that just captured everyone's attention.

He had to force himself to look away when Jimin picks you up and twirls you around.

"That was me once."

The torturing sentence kept repeating in his brain.

You felt yourself mimic Tae when you see him, standing there, looking at the reflection of you on the polished floor.

Taehyung: Now that everyone's here, I-I think we should go

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Taehyung: Now that everyone's here, I-I think we should go.

His voice cracked at the mention of "everyone" as it only reminded him that you were there.

"I'm trying to forget you Y/N. You hurt me. You made me think I was special for once. You played me like everyone else. You hurt me right when everything was starting to feel good. I need to forget you. Why are you making this so difficult?"


A/N: ThIs ChApTeR's So ShOrT! Yes, I'm sorry but the next one is gonna be real long so... I recommend grabbing some hot chocolate, a long, 3 hour playlist of sad Kpop songs and a lot of snacks coz es gon get a lil mad... my attempt of being "cool."


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