Sidekick Baek

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[At the museum's café.]

You & Baekhyun: .........

Tumbleweed rolls past your table as you and Baekhyun awkwardly stare at your cups of hot chocolate.

The other tables were wild as they gossiped and argued. You might as well look for this place blindfolded and still find success.

Baekhyun: So.....
You: Yea....

You both sigh.

Taehyung made sure that everyone knew about you and Baek's "relationship." So people decided to give you both some personal space.

" So people decided to give you both some personal space

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This is going to be such a long hour and a half.

You decide to stop the awkwardness and dramatically un-hunch yourself.

You: Ok, this is boring, follow me.

You walk out the exit, holding Baekhyun's hand purely because you liked the other girls' reactions.

Baekhyun is one of the cutest looking boys in our school so obviously they'll be jealous of the slightest things between you two. Might as well have a bit of fun.


Baekhyun: Where the-

You took him outside the museum, to a garden filled with roses, plants and trees. One would find it romantic, but it's a great hiding spot as the roses, plants and trees grow bigger than you.

You: I need your help with... a certain "challenge" of mines.

You plead, pulling a very devious face.

Baekhyun scrunches his eyebrows as he inspects your face for any red flags that hints to you being a psychopath.

Baekhyun: What's the challenge?
You: Eheheheeheheh.


Baekhyun: Ok, you see the targets?

It was surprisingly easy to get Baekhyun to help you with your mission given by Namjoon. He was actually quite excited as his face lit up with mischief.

You: Over there, table 7

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You: Over there, table 7.
Baekhyun: Ok, here's the plan. I'll move in, distract them a little and you forward roll and lay low, crawling on the floor and while I avert their eyes away from the two, you snatch them and hide in the booth behind you. Make sure to cover their mouths so they can't scream. THEN, we-

You were nodding to his plan all the way until he started going on about the forwards roll.

You: Wait, hold up, this is not some sort of action movie. I ain't doing any of that. I can't even walk without tripping over never mind those stealth things.

Baekhyun huffs in disappointment.

You: How's about we just tell them that a teacher needs them in the rose garden and then we'll play romantic music to set the mood?
Baekhyun: It's kinda creepy what we're doing, you know this, right?
You: Yes but I wanna win and I'm not losing to that smarty pants Joon.

Baekhyun walks towards the table with the 7 children. He points at Jungkook and Taehyung, before laughing and slapping Yoongi on the shoulder. All the boys are laughing but Yoongi, he looked like he was about to punch the beagle like boy.

You: What's taking so long?

You sneak to the empty booth behind them that used to be where you and Baekhyun sat, bored and fed up with each other.

You eavesdrop at the conversation.

Baekhyun: And then Suho hyung finally replied, pissed, and let's just say, Chanyeol was no longer a man after Suho hyung finished with him.

The boys all laugh at the statement.

Wtf is he doing? Did he forget?

You were about to throw a scrunched up napkin at him to remind him but he finally remembered his plan and spoke after he calmed down a bit.

Baekhyun: By the way, teacher's looking for you two in the garden. Some sort of music assignment?

Kook and Tae look at each other, scared.

Taekook: Sh*t.

They both run, not forgetting their phones and wallets.

You look at Baekhyun, confused as to how he knew about their music assignment if he was not in your music class.

Baekhyun: Everyone has one at the moment, I just took a guess.

You nod in an understanding manner before looking at a wide-eyed Namjoon.

You: I'm winning this.
Namjoon: Not if I have anything to do with this.

Namjoon sprints towards the garden, you racing him and Baekhyun following shortly after.

By the time you got there, the music was already playing and Taekook were sitting on the bench, talking deeply about something.

Taekook: I'm sorry...



A/N: HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!! It's been officially 1 year since I have published this story. I'm really sorry for the lack of updates, if I'm being completely honest, I've been getting stressed about this because I don't know how I could make this story any better. I'm scared that you're all getting bored and that's the last thing I want, especially if the story is so long and stuff. I've had so much support with this story and if I'm being honest, I'm sure I could've made this story so much better. I keep complaining and underestimating myself, deleting and contemplating on each and every line I write. I've been working (as I still do need to make moola) and also studying for my exam so I'd be lying if I was saying I've been focusing on this story a lot and it's my main priority but I haven't been sleeping much as I'm trying to juggle all of this and create a thrilling story for you all. I'm trying really hard to make this story really good and different from the other cliché high school love stories. Every time I see a comment stating how good this story is and that they're really enjoying it, it makes me feel so happy and strive to make it better. Anyways, before this author's note becomes longer than the actual story, please continue reading this book and supporting it and feel free to leave suggestions and criticism. Thank you all for staying for so long and waiting so patiently and please understand if it takes ages for me to update. Thank you guys for 26k reads too. Love you all.

- Authornim xxxx

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