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Me and Shooting star's Were Preparing a dance but phoebe wasn't dancing but of course she is singing: but she danced with us

(Janella is in the middle im in the left side phoebe on the right)

I practiced some more while the other's rest i don't think im good enough i thought then I Had an idea i will make phoebe dance with me at the back...

(You're the girl with the red skirt, phoebe is the one on the back copying you, sorry if you didn't like the dance i couldn't find any)

I uploaded at youtube and Insta and captioned it #CuteDanceChallenge And it went viral everyone is doing cute dances i watched some of them but one of them really stood out

(Ik they did not but let's just say Jin mentioned the #cutedanceChallenge)

I watched it and My Heart fluttered tbh i was just focusing on jimin the whole time idk why then A Moment later Bighit called me...


"Hi is this april from shooting star's"
"Yes it's april speaking"
"You're challenge was a hit and also we want you to come work with bts"
"Are you for real?"
"Yes if you wanna do it come to korea and is it a yes"
"Yes we would love too thanks kamsahamnida"
They ended the call and i squealed in my happiness...

Short chapta'

It's 2:44 am btw


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