The Tears Of Uther Pendragon

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The old physician sighed as he looked at the King he served for years. "Sire, how many more men are you going to lose in this quest?"

"As many as it takes." Uther didn't take his eyes off from the country yard.

"I have no time for friends." the King snapped.

"Then I'll speak to you as your physician. This is madness. She has been missing for more than a year now. When are you going to stop?"

"When that Dragon is found."


Prince Arthur was out on an expedition with his men through the woods. He knew this was useless, since the Dragon only listened to the command of the Dragonlady.

As they rode to an open space, they found an abandoned camp.

"Watch out, this could be a trap."

And just after he said it, one of the Knights was struck with an arrow, and a bandit attack followed.

"Does it never stop?" the crown prince murmured as he drew his sword and slid from his horse.

A fight ensued. Merlyne grabbed a sword, but it's knocked out of her hands.

"Damn this. Ecg geteoh þing to."

The attacker's sword magnetised, metal tools attached to it and the bandit falls backwards because of how heavy it became.

The witch toppled a tree on a second attacker, but tripped on her way to help Arthur.

A bandit came up behind Arthur, one which the Prince is unaware of.

Merlyne magically threw a spear at the bandit.

The Crown Prince looked around and sees Merlin still on the forest floor. "We're not playing hide and seek, Merlin!"

She placed her head on her hands as she kept lying there in the sand. "Dollophead."


The party returned to the citadel by night time, only having found burned wood and ashes of an old sleeping place.

This time, it'd been Lancelot's turn to inform the King of their findings. And as usually, he wasn't pleased that the Dragon had come so far.

"Seriously, we won't ever find that Dragon. It's long gone!" Arthur murmured, only to hear for Merlyne and Leon, who were walking beside him through the hallways of Camelot.

"That's how we see it, but he doesn't." Merlyne said, hushing him. "I've promised Morgana to stop by her quarters tonight, I'll see you two later."

"She's been spending a lot of time with Morgana, isn't she?" Leon asked.

"Indeed, but she deserves to have some friends. She hangs out with us the entire day, it's practically a break." and the Prince walked on.


Far away from the castle, in a cave guarded by the Bloodguard, someone was making a potion.

The witch making it was laughing in a most evil way. "Soon, very soon, the tears of Uther Pendragon will begin to fall. Then, the lands of Camelot will fall to its knees to be burned down by the fires of hell. From those ashes, a Kingdom for us, Sorcerers, shall rise! And I, Nimue, shall rule over it."

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