Chapter 1 - Goodbye Hogwarts

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Marlene Mckinnon wiped a clammy hand across her forehead as she dragged her trunk across the platform, hearing the Hogwarts Express sound a shrill whistle to signal its departure. Packing her belongings while hungover and bleary eyed had been a nightmare.

"Fuck's sake." She mumbled as she hoisted the luggage up onto the train, mentally kicking herself for being so late for the last time.

The blonde found a carriage with her friends, Lily and Mary, both of whom were not surprised to see her roll up just as the train was about to leave. Marlene slumped into a seat next to the window, casually tossing her legs over Lily's lap. Raising an eyebrow at both of their glum faces, she cleared her throat.

"I know it's shit that we're leaving, but you don't have to look that depressed. I should be the one crying, my parent's will kill me when they see my grades." Marlene chimed theatrically, throwing her long golden locks over her shoulder. It was true that she hadn't done as well as was expected of her. Excessive partying and excessive boys may have been to blame, although she would never tell her parents that. 

"Behave, Marls," Lily dismissed her friend sternly. "It's a difficult time for everyone. We're trying to get our heads around the fact that we could be fighting as soon as next week. James has already signed himself up for a mission." She dropped her head, eyes closing dolefully.

"Yeah, I'm sorry..." She mumbled, the regret clear in her voice. Marlene's way of coping with the war was pretending that it wasn't happening. She thought that if she could distract herself enough with alcohol and one night stands that it would just go away. But it was becoming painfully clear that it wasn't going to disappear - not without a fight.

The train journey back to London was quiet and tense. Not one of the girl's bothered to force a conversation that neither of them wanted to participate in. Soon, the friend group was standing at King's Cross station with tears in their eyes while reluctantly saying farewell. Even though they would see each other at Order meetings, it certainly wouldn't be the same as sitting around the fireplace in Gryffindor common room, laughing and reciting stories.

Marlene glanced over her shoulder, her eyes following Lily as she went to kiss and hug James goodbye. A familiar pair of grey eyes met her own and she crossed her arms as Sirius Black sent a wink in her direction. He flicked the shaggy mess of black hair to the side and looked thoughtful for a moment before strolling over to one of his more likeable flings. 

"McKinnon," He acknowledged with a trademark smirk, draping an arm over her shoulder lazily. "I'd say goodbye, but I know I'll be seeing you soon. Not just in the Order, either." Sirius murmured, his mouth dangerously close to her ear, although the tone of his voice was jestful and teasing.

Marlene, whose face had remained blank the entirety of his unwanted speech, simply rolled her eyes. 

"So you hope, Black. Don't get too ahead of yourself." She slipped away from his grip and gave a charming wave before strolling away to her parents, leaving the boy snickering quietly to himself. 

Marlene never failed to impress him.

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