Chapter 12 - Adjusting

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Over the next few days, Marlene was struggling to adapt to her new role as a mother-to-be. She had no clue about babies or children nor did she have any interest in them, quite frankly. Despite this, Marlene was disheartened that she was unable to break the news of her pregnancy to friends and family. Her parents, James, Lily, Remus and, of course, Sirius, had found out while she was knocked out in a hospital bed. However, they had all sent gifts in a kind attempt to cheer Marlene up over the unusual situation. On the bedside table a small stack of books sat on top of one another, each including the word 'baby' or 'motherhood' or 'pregnancy' in the titles. The educational yet overwhelming gifts were sent by Lily, who also happened to be the only one who was overjoyed by the news.

It was a Saturday afternoon when Marlene finally stirred in bed, rolling onto her back with a pillow half covering her face. Her left arm flopped onto the other side of the bed and she was surprised when it didn't hit her boyfriend's chest. Cracking an eye open, she peered over. Sure enough, Sirius was nowhere to be seen next to her. Marlene sat up slowly, yawning and stretching her arms above her head. It was only when she noticed the time that she understood why Sirius was no longer in bed.

Marlene was somewhat relieved that she hadn't found Sirius watching over her like a hawk in her sleep. The initial feeling of flattery she felt when Sirius displayed a primal like protectiveness over her soon worn off after the first day. It was rather annoying to not even be able to use the bathroom for more than five minutes before Sirius would come knocking, asking "What's taking so long, Marls?"

Soon, Sirius walked in with an exasperated look on his face, carrying a silver tray with an assortment of breakfast items. His hair was pushed back with what looked like was sweat and there was a noticeable red burn mark on his bare chest. Marlene couldn't help but laugh - Sirius Black had truly turned into the biggest softy she knew.

"OI!" He barked, pouting. "Don't take the piss."

"I'm not! I'm not!" Marlene insisted although she was still grinning. "You're just... Cute."

"You mean rugged and hot and handsome."

"Right." She sniggered.

Sirius set the tray in front of her and prodded her cheek playfully, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"It's a good thing you're carrying my child. Your luck would run out pretty quick if you wasn't."

Marlene grinned wider as she tucked into a plate of scrambled eggs.

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