Chapter 13 - Hidden Identity

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Marlene finished her breakfast in record speed while Sirius left the room again. When he returned, she noticed he was holding a plastic bag behind his back. She sat on her knees and attempted to peer around him.

"What's in the bag?" Asked Marlene curiously.

Sirius had a guilty look on his face as he dropped the bag onto the bed in front of her, taking a few steps back in fear of her reaction. She eyed him for a moment before pulling out a small cardboard box. On the box was a picture of a pretty woman with long brunette hair, her white smile dazzling Marlene. Beneath the image in bold text read the words 'permanent hair dye'.

"Very funny." She said shortly, throwing the box of dye back at Sirius.

Catching it easily, Sirius took a moment to inhale through his nose, choosing his next words carefully.

"We have to take precautions," Started Sirius gently. "Unless you want to be cooped up in this flat for the rest of your life, you need to start looking less like yourself."

Marlene got to her feet, the hem of Sirius' shirt dropping to her knees as she did. She folded her arms and begun to pace the room.

"I don't want to look like someone else!" Said Marlene. "This is all so fucked up."

He sighed and took her place on the bed, deciding it was best to let her cool off before initiating any sort of physical contact. It felt like their short relationship had endured more challenges than a married couple of ten years.

"Of course it is. Don't you think I know how shit this is for you, Marls? But if this is what we have to do to keep you safe, then good luck trying to fight me about it." His tone was firm although he was attempting empathy. "And I think you're forgetting this isn't just about you."

Marlene stopped pacing at his last sentence. She turned to face him, dropping her arms at her sides although her hand hovered over her naval for a short moment. Without saying anything, she took the box from him again and walked to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Sirius covered his face with his hands and groaned into them, laying back on the bed.

It was an awfully long time before Marlene left the bathroom. She didn't have the faintest clue about how to dye hair so a huge chunk of time was spent reading each and every instruction. Once she had finally smeared enough dye to cover her blonde locks, she sat on the floor with her legs crossed. It was ridiculous behaviour to be upset about hair, but Marlene felt like she was losing herself. The brave face she had worn for so long was slowly melting away as she sat on the cold floor with only her thoughts to keep her company. This was the first time she had truly processed everything that was going on. Her new relationship, the danger she was in and the pregnancy. She didn't have to think for long before her emotions got the better of her. 

Wiping her eyes, she stood up and got in the shower, beginning to wash the dye out of her hair. Dark ink swirled around the drain before sinking out of sight. Once the last drop of water leaked from the shower head, Marlene stepped out in front of the mirror and saw a completely different girl staring back. However, deciding it was not convincing enough, she opened a draw and pulled a pair of scissors out.

Sirius was sitting against the opposite side of the bathroom door when Marlene finally opened up. He fell back slightly before jumping to his feet, swinging around to face her. His mouth fell apart immediately.

"You--you... Wow." He murmured. "Did I ever tell you I have a thing for brunettes?"

A small smile grew on her lips although her eyes were full of tears.

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