Chapter 11 - One Thing After Another

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Sirius had his index finger and thumb pressed against the bridge of his nose as he rehearsed what to say in his head. He couldn't see this going well at all.

"I have two weeks to live, don't I? Fuck, fuck, fuck. This isn't the way I planned to go out." Marlene was breathless and panicked as she assumed her death, lifting herself off the couch so she could pace the length of the room.

Sirius was almost amused for a second but he quickly scolded himself.

Just spit out, Padfoot.

"Marls, you're pregnant."

Marlene stopped dead in her tracks and craned her neck to look back at her boyfriend of approximately two minutes. She narrowed her eyes and begun to chuckle, shaking her head.

"Do you really think this is the time for jokes, Sirius? At least give me the night off considering I was just held hostage." She scolded but was still laughing anyway.

When he didn't join in with the laughter, Marlene walked over and crossed her arms, concern growing on her face. Sirius's dark eyes gave her a look that said it all.

"No fucking way." She croaked, voice cracking. "I'm not doing this. Not now. There's no way."

Sirius grabbed her wrist loosely and pulled her back down next to him.

"Listen to me, Marly." He begun. "I know this wasn't the plan. Hell, it was never the bloody plan. But we have to make it work somehow - it's time to stop acting like kids. This is bigger than us now."

By this point, Marlene was full on sobbing like she had never sobbed before. How could they be so stupid? How could they be so selfish? It was barbaric to even think about bringing a baby into the dark times they were living in. Not to mention that the two of them as parents sounded like a terrible idea.

"This c-can't be h-happening," She wept, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve. "I'm being hunted. I can't be putting a baby at risk!"

"You think I'm going to let them anywhere near you?! Marlene McKinnon, you will not be leaving my sight unless absolutely necessary. My job is to protect you and our child."

She was surprised at his words but comforted by them. Marlene had never seen Sirius so fiercely protective in her life. The maturity he was displaying was shocking, to be frank, and it gave her the strength to give him a small nod. They would make this work.

Just The Way We Are - BlackinnonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang