Chapter 14 - The Clock Tower Meeting

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With each day that passed, Marlene was not getting any closer to accepting her new look. Despite Sirius' hourly compliments, her mood was at an all time low. Almost two weeks without stepping outside was also a contributing factor to her low spirit. 

It was 4PM on a Thursday when Marlene heard a crack at the window. She was curled up on the sofa with a blanket draped over her, refusing to open her eyes. Crack, crack, crack. Muttering under her breath, she begrudgingly stood from the sofa, letting the blanket hang over her shoulders as she walked over to the living room window.  A gray owl with piercing yellow eyes was staring reproachfully as he waited to be let in. Marlene lifted the window and the owl hopped inside, lifting his leg to reveal a letter. She unattached the letter and opened it. It was an extremely short note.

The clock tower strikes tonight at 8 O'clock. Do not be late.

At the bottom of a parchment was a signature resembling the letters 'S' and 'L'. This was unmistakably the signature used by Albus Dumbledore when sending correspondence to members of the Order of The Phoenix. Nobody bothered to questioned Dumbledore's obsession with sherbet lemons.

"What's that?" 

Marlene jumped as she felt Sirius' hands on her waist, mumbling something that sounded like 'arsehole'. He grinned, resting his chin on her shoulder and looking at the parchment. Droplets of water felt from his dark curls, resulting in the word 'late' smudging. 

"We have a meeting tonight." Said Marlene.

Her eyes drifted to his towel clad waist for a moment as she turned to face him. Reluctantly forcing her gaze back to his face, she handed him the parchment and returned to the couch. Sirius' grin had disappeared.

"Marls..." He started slowly, but Marlene already knew what he would say next.

"Don't," She warned. "Don't say I'm not coming. There is no fucking way I'm backing out of the Order, Sirius. I am not going to sit back and let everyone else do the dirty work!"

Sirius closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, facing away from Marlene. He knew there was nothing he could say to change her mind.

"I know there's no point arguing with you on this," He sighed. "But there is no chance in hell you are going on any missions. I swear, Marlene, if you even--"

"I get it." She said shortly, cutting him off and ending the conversation. 

Marlene and Sirius hardly spoke for the rest of the evening. As the time ticked closer to 8 O'clock, however, Sirius sat on the bed watching his girlfriend get changed. She pulled on her favourite pair of dark wash jeans, taking in a deep breath as she attempted to button them. Noticing the smirk on Sirius' face, she shot him a scowl. 

"If it makes any difference, I like a woman with curves."

Deciding to ignore his remark, she pulled a beige jumper on and grabbed her wand.

"You ready?" She asked. "The clock tower is code for the Longbottom's house, right?" 

Sirius nodded and stood up, tucking his own wand into a pair of denim jeans with a distinct, unintentional rip in the knee. He walked over to her and brushed a thumb over her naval, bending his neck so their faces were inches apart. His grey eyes were glinting fondly before they closed, suddenly but softly connecting their lips. Marlene embraced the kiss fully, draping her arms over his shoulders. She found herself longing for more when he pulled away.

"I love you, Marlene. Everything I do is to protect you and our little family." 

Her heart threatened to beat out of her rib cage as he spoke. She pursed her lips, hoping the heat in her cheeks wasn't too noticeable. This was a completely foreign feeling to Marlene - the thought of being so invested in one person terrified her.

"I love you too, Sirius."

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