Chapter 7 - The Dungeon

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The sound of chain shackles echoed through the dungeon as Muggleborn wizards and witches wept quietly, longing for release. A leak from above landed on Marlene's cheek, causing her to awake from what she assumed was a sleeping potion. How long had she been here for?

With heavy eyes, she glanced around at the damp surroundings, the smell of mold and dried blood filling her nostrils. What she didn't realise that this was where the lucky ones ended up. Most didn't serve any use to the Dark Lord so were killed instantly, but those who served a purpose were kept alive until the Death Eater's tortured every last bit of information out of them.

Her arms were held above her, wrists chained to the wall. She attempted to tug on them but was met by excruciating pain on her left forearm.

The word 'bloodtraitor' had been carved by a blade to distinguish her from the Muggleborns. Marlene would be given a second chance to join the Dark Lord and conform with most other Purebloods. The second option was death but it was one she would rather choose.

She swallowed as footsteps were heard from above, hair stuck to her face from sweating profusely in her unwanted slumber. Greyback walked down the stairs, his appearance less wolf like than before.

"Ah, you're awake." He hummed, looking over her briefly. "Sorry about your arm. It's nothing personal. The Mudbloods get one too." He reached over and grabbed her chin roughly, lifting her face to look at him.

Marlene blinked a few times, still dazed from the potion. She focused on his face and mumbled something incoherent, unable to make sense of the situation, immense pain fogging her mind.

"Fuck you," She managed to hiss through gritted teeth after a while, pulling her face away from his grip.

The man rolled his eyes before driving his fist into her ribs, hearing a sickening crack. The impact caused her to freeze in shock for a moment before the realisation and pain of broken bones kicked in. Crying out in agony, Marlene flung her head back against the wall. But she refused to be broken mentally.

"Are you going to be a good girl now, Miss McKinnon? Are you going to accept your duty as a Pureblood and bow to the Dark Lord?"

She shook her head immediately although she couldn't verbally express her declination. Greyback grew angry and withdrew his wand, pressing it against her throat.

"Death is too good for you. You'll go the hard way. Cruci--" He muttered but was cut short as footsteps were heard behind them.

"I think that's enough for now, Fenir. The Dark Lord wishes to speak with you." Another Death Eater spoke although it was one Marlene didn't recognise.

Greyback grunted but gave a short nod, walking off quickly.

"It's me, Marlene. It's okay, I'm here." A familiar voice came from the stranger, causing her to look up with wide, panicked eyes.

"Wh-what.." She choked out, in so much pain that her body begun to go into further shock.

"It's Sirius. I'm going to get you out of here, baby. Oh, Marlene, what have they done to you.."

It still wouldn't register in Marlene's brain that Sirius had drunk a polyjuice potion to disguise himself, however she had no choice but to trust him as he used his wand to break the chains that bound her. He lifted her up bridal style and looked around at the other people helplessly, silently vowing to return for them.

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