Chapter 4 - 'Do Remember That You're Mine'

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Marlene looked up at Sirius in surprise, her eyebrow arched. In the very short space of time between him lifting her up and tossing her onto the bed, he had managed to whip his shirt off in one swift movement. Her eyes roamed his body feverishly, teeth grazing her lower lip. Toned abs stared at her and she stared right back, unbothered about inflating his ego. She noticed faded lovebites just below and above his collarbones, giving a little snort as she remembered they were her own doing from their last sexual encounter.

"See something you like?" Sirius murmured after a while as he crawled on top of her, taking her jaw in his hand.

Marlene shrugged slowly, feigning thoughtfulness. "Maybe."

"Maybe? We've discussed this, McKinnon. Bad girls get punished," He muttered in her ear, shaking his head.

Sirius Black was too kinky for his own good, as Marlene had found out on multiple occasions. There was a mental list of do's and don't's that she had to obide by.

'Do obey my every command'

'Don't cum unless permission is given'

'Do reply 'yes, Sir' to each command'

'Don't undress me or yourself unless I say otherwise'

'Do remember that you're mine'

'Don't fucking tease me'

"Yes, I see something I like. You." She corrected herself, her eyes meeting his. She begun to swim in the deep end of his grey pools before he broke the gaze.

"Better," Sirius grunted, hands sliding beneath the flimsy fabric of her shirt before his breath hitched sharply. "You're not wearing a bra, are you? Good grief, Marlene." He breathed huskily.

With that, he practically tore her shirt off, lips immediately attaching to the delicate porcelain skin of her breasts. The tip of his tongue slowly danced over her nipple and a heavy intake of breath could be heard above. Marlene squirmed beneath him and he gave a disapproving growl, using both hands to pin her hips down against the bed. When she finally allowed a soft moan to be released from her lips, he retracted himself with a quiet, taunting chuckle.

"I love it when you get ahead of yourself, love."


"Oh? That wasn't very nice, was it?"

Sirius sat up and cooed down at her despite the fact that he was quite clearly plotting her punishment as he popped the button of her jeans off. He yanked them down and brushed two fingers over her royal blue lace panties before easily ripping them off.

"Shame. I liked those ones." Marlene muttered to which his smirk grew wider.

"You're not to cum or moan. Do I make myself clear?"

Her eyes widened and she stared up at him for a long moment in disbelief. This was going to be bloody torture and the mischievous glint in his eyes further proved it.

"Yes, sir." She murmured reluctantly.

With that, he parted her legs and laid between them. Gentle kisses were placed on each thigh as he hooked his arms around them, taking in her scent for a moment.

"Say it louder," He demanded, allowing the tip of his tongue to barely make contact with her clit.

Marlene bucked her hips and quickly covered her mouth with her hands to forcibly stop any noise from coming out other than a louder, "Yes, sir."

Satisfied with her response, he begun to feast on her warm womanhood. She writhed and trembled but, with great difficulty, managed to not let the burning moans in her throat escape. This continued for what felt like an eternity before Sirius quickly pushed himself up, unbuckling his belt and pushing his jeans down to reveal his large member.

"You're mine."

Growling, he pushed into her and began to buck madly, fingers tangling in her blonde locks while his free hand pinned both hands above her head. Marlene was crying out at this point and she was beyond thankful he didn't care. Wide blue eyes flickered up to meet his own dark gaze and she couldn't help herself as she pulled him into a fiery kiss. The kind of kiss that makes your head spin and your heart explode. The best part was that he was kissing her back.

Maybe they were just getting caught up in the moment or maybe this was a turning point.

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