Chapter 5 - Happiness In Dark Times

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A few months passed and life became dark and hopeless in the Wizarding World. That was until the day of James and Lily's wedding arrived. Marlene looked around, a small smile on her lips as she watched the Newlyweds rock in each other's arms to the gentle beat of a song. Their wedding had been a success and everyone could rest easy knowing the couple had the dream day they had hoped for - even amongst the chaos of war. Little fairy lights circled a much prettier looking Leaky Cauldron - courtesy of Marlene. She had decorated the pub she worked part time at to look like the perfect wedding reception venue.

"You look really gorgeous, Marls." Gideon Prewett acknowledged as he stepped towards the girl, his tie undone and his shirt pulled half way out of his trousers.

Marlene raised an eyebrow at the compliment from the fellow Order member, glancing down at herself momentarily. She wasn't much of a dress person but the little blue cocktail one she wore suited her perfectly, frills hanging from the hem and a thin sash hugging her waist.

"Thanks," She murmured, visibly tense despite the occasion.

"Really gorgeous." His words were slurred now and it was clear that he may have had a little too much firewhiskey.

She took a step back, not particularly in the mood for anyone's drunken antics. For once, she hadn't had a sip to drink, preferring to keep her wits about her. Marlene had been this way for the past few months now - some would say her spark went out. However, that didn't particularly apply when she was around Sirius. Somehow, he made her feel safe.

An arm hooked around her waist and she glanced up with a slightly startled expression. Don't hit him, Marlene. Don't ruin a bloody wedding. Before she could curse him out, a familiar voice was heard behind the both of them.

"Hands off, Prewett."

Sirius placed a firm hand on Gideon's shoulder and pulled him away from her roughly. He muttered something in his ear that Marlene couldn't quite make out but it made Gideon leave as fast as he came.

"I could have handled that myself," She mumbled stubbornly, folding her arms across her chest.

He raised an eyebrow before simply shrugging, eyes travelling over her for a moment.

"I suppose so. But I would have put him in his place either way, so it's not like it matters." He absently lifted a hand to brush some hair behind her ear, head tilted almost adoringly. "You do look gorgeous, though."

Marlene felt the heat rise to her cheeks like it so often did when he performed little gestures like that.

"You don't look too bad yourself. An impressive best man, indeed." She smirked.

"Why, thank you. I do look rather spectacular in a suit."

For a moment, their eyes lit up as they looked at one another, his hand finding its way to her lower back. The tension between them seemed to fill the whole room and a few people glanced over curiously.

"Marlene, there's something I want you to know," Sirius started, a light sweat covering his forehead, the usual smug look on his face now gone. "I don't know how long we have left in this fucked up world which is why I think I should tell you sooner rather than later--"

All at once, several hooded figures apparated into the pub, cutting him off mid sentence. Each one wore a more disturbing mask than the other and it was very quickly realised that they were Death Eaters - Voldemort's army.

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