Chapter 16 - A Difficult Goodbye

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The Order meeting that followed after Marlene had calmed down was long and meticulous. It was decided that Benjy Fenwick, James, Remus and Sirius would carry out the mission to rescue Marlene's brother. Gideon, Fabian and Moody were instructed to leave the meeting early so they could gather information on Luther's whereabouts, although everyone in the Order was encouraged to find their own leads to help the case. The dungeon that Marlene was held in weeks ago was the first reasonable place to investigate, although Dumbledore was convinced there was a separate hideout for those who were being interrogated. Marlene had sat herself in the furthest corner, trying to listen but struggling to concentrate. Her head continued to spin for the entire meeting; she felt so much guilt and anger at herself. Luther had warned her that she wasn't ready to be in the Order, and now she was finally starting to believe him.

"Are you going to be okay, Marlene?" Asked Lily when the meeting finally came to an end.

Marlene stood up slowly, giving an almost unnoticeable nod to her friend. Lily took her hand and gave it a quick squeeze, looking over at Sirius as he approached them.

"I've got her, Lils." He murmured, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend.

"I'll come stay with you when the mission starts, okay? See you soon." Lily said to Marlene before walking over to her husband.

In all honesty, Marlene just wanted to be left alone. There was nothing anyone could say to her to make her feel better. Everyone knew this, but it didn't stop their attempts.

"Let's go home, angel." Sirius pecked her forehead before they disapparated together.


It had been three whole days since the meeting and Marlene was growing more anxious by the second. She couldn't bare to think about her brother being tortured relentlessly day in, day out. 'What if he's not even alive?' Marlene thought to herself on more than one occasion. As well as thinking about her brother, she had Sirius on her mind. He was going to risk his life to save her brother. Marlene knew he was a brilliant wizard but so were many of the Death Eaters. 'What if neither of them came back alive?' 

As the sky begun to descent into darkness once again, Marlene sat by the window in the bedroom, hugging her knees to her chest. She had stayed in this position for the majority of the past three days, waiting for an owl that never came.

"Here," She heard Sirius behind her. "I brought you some tea." 

He set a hot mug of tea down on the windowsill in front of her.

"Thanks." Mumbled Marlene, still staring out of the window.

Sirius sighed before kneeling in front of her, taking both of her hands in his. He looked troubled and tired, mirroring Marlene's own appearance. 

"The mission starts tonight, Marls. I'm leaving soon."

Marlene immediately ripped her gaze from the window, looking at him in disbelief. 

"What? How?" She cried, taking her hands away from his. "Why wouldn't you tell me it's starting tonight?! Just because I can't physically be involved, doesn't mean you can keep information from me!" 

"Marls, I had no choice. Do you really think I would keep this from you if it was up to me?" Sirius asked. "Dumbledore doesn't want you to know where we're going. He thinks you might act out and try to come. I told him that's bullshit. I told him that you would never put yourself and our baby at risk like that."

Marlene dropped her gaze, pursing her lips for a moment. It would be a lie if that thought hadn't already crossed her mind.

"I-I can't lose both of you..." Her voice broke off.

Sirius took her face in his hands, forcing her to look him in the eyes. His grey eyes seemed darker than usual - they had a determined glint in them that spoke volumes. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her gently. When he pulled away, a single tear fell down Marlene's face.

"I don't plan on dying anytime soon, angel. We have a baby to raise." 

A weak smile tugged at her lips as Sirius brushed the tear away with his thumb. A moment later, a loud crack from the living room startled Marlene and she jumped up quickly.

"Don't worry, it's just Lily." He assured her. 

"Hello?" Called Lily from the living room.

She walked out to greet her best friend. They embraced each other and Lily patted Marlene's stomach fondly. She was much more into all this baby stuff than Marlene ever would be. 

"Have you been reading the baby books?" Lily asked, like a teacher asking if a student had done their homework.

"That hasn't really been on my mind as of late, Lils."

"Oh, yeah, sorry." She apologised sheepishly.

After half an hour of Lily talking Marlene's ear off about different baby names, ('What about Harry?' She had asked, 'Absolutey not.' Was Marlene's reply) Sirius walked out, wearing a thick hoodie, dark jeans and combat boots. 

"Time to go." He said, a solemn look on his face.

Marlene rushed over to him, swinging her arms around his neck and embracing him as tightly as her arms would allow. She refused to let go.

"I love you. Please be safe." She whispered into his chest.

"Always, angel. I love you more."

They finally pulled away from one another and Marlene stepped back, next to Lily. Marlene tried her hardest to prevent tears from falling as another crack filled the room, leaving the two girls alone.

"It's alright, Marls. I don't think we give James and Sirius enough credit. They're incredible wizards. And Remus, of course." 

Marlene and Lily spent the rest of the evening talking about anything they could to distract themselves from thinking about the mission. Eventually, the time had crept past eleven O'clock, and Lily was slumped against the arm rest of the sofa in a deep sleep. Marlene, however, was wide awake, listening to the crackle of the untuned television. A soft coo in the distance made her jump and she sat up straight, looking over to the source of the noise. A small owl was sat on the window. She stood up and approached the window, opening it slowly. Bemused as to who would be sending post at this time, she untied the letter on the owl's foot and opened it. The writing was rushed and untidy.


I have to make this quick. I'm in the Riddle House. I can't hold on for much longer - the pain is excruciating. The Death Eaters won't get  any answers from me. The Order are looking for me in the wrong place. I heard Greyback giving false leads. Please, send them here before it's too late. 

I love you, little sister.


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