🌙chapter III

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Ming found it strange as Kit stopped replying to his messages. "Have I said something that I shouldn't have?", Ming thought to himself and sent a last text to his senior. He checked his phone one last time and went off to sleep.

Good night and sweet dreams, P'KitKat 💕 9:52PM


Kit woke up early that morning for school and dressed up nicely. As he looked at the clock, he found out that he had extra time before his classes start and decided to go online for a while. A message from his Nong then popped up and he could feel heat rushing up his cheeks when he read it.

He slung his bag around his shoulder and locked up the door to his room before he left his dorm, humming as he walked down the stairs. He went into his car and tried to start up the engine but it did not work. He let out a sigh before he dialed his friends' numbers but none of them were able to fetch him as they were already in school.

"Ugh, what other choices do I have?", he groaned and soon, a name came into his mind but he shook it off.

"I can skip classes, right?", he asked himself but let out another groan as he remembered that he couldn't afford to miss any of the classes because he had an upcoming test.


"P'Kit!", a very familiar voice called out for him, resulting in him turning around. It was Ming in the car so he made his ways toward his car lazily and got into it. Kit was about speak when he heard another voice speaking from his back.

"Ah, P'Kit, this is Frame. And Frame, this is P'Kit", Frame gave Kit a small smile in which Kit returned the favour by smiling as well.

"I found out that Frame lives next to my room and he doesn't have any transport so I give him a free ride", Ming explained as he noticed the unpleasant look on Kit's face.

Kit simply responded with,"I didn't ask you". Ming gulped and mumbled a short apology followed by an uncomfortable and awkward silence.


"Kitty, what's wrong with you?", Beam asked as he watched every one of Kit's movements.

"Nothing, why do you ask?", Kit responded.

"You're stabbing your food with a fork as if it has done something bad to you. So, tell me what's wrong", Beam asked.

"I.Said.Nothing.Is.Wrong", Kit said with a short pause between every words as he glared at particularly no one. Beam and Pha gave each other a look and averted their gaze towards the same direction. They saw Yo, Ming and a person that had never seen before, laughing happily.

"Isn't that the kid from before?", Beam questioned.

"That's Frame, he's new to the faculty of engineering", Kit answered absentmindedly.

"How do you know?", Pha asked looking caution as he did not want that guy near his Nong'Yo.

"Ming told me".

"How?", Pha raised a brow.

"Last night we chatted through Facebook".

It wasn't long before their Nong(s) noticed them and came towards their table. Yo rushed towards his boyfriend, Pha and told him about his day whereas Ming greeted his seniors followed by Frame.

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