Chapter 2 - Blizzards & Goblins

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Crystal sat soaking in her bath, small red petals adorning the water. She took a deep breath and tried desperately to relax. She sunk farther into the water so that it came up to her chin. Why had one of Mab's sons sent a rose with the letter? Was it for Crystal or just a courtesy, a signature?

     She hated to think one of Mab's brats admired her. She was beautiful, yes, with long hair as white as snow hanging down to the middle of her back - when it wasn't pinned up or tied in a ponytail. But, to think one of the, they'd never even met her!

   Crystal couldn't remember the last time she went to Elysium at the Winter court - or if she ever did. Sighing, she sat up and rubbed her shoulder, wincing as a sharp pain struck a muscle. She rolled it, hoping to release the knot.

   After she was done bathing, Crystal dried off and pulled on a pair of clean black leggings and a white linen shirt. She slipped on her ankle boots and headed to find her mother - or food, whichever presented itself first.

    She, unfortunately, found her mother first, in the parlor eating a crumpet. "Care for a pastry, dear?" the Duchess asked in the tone that said she, under no circumstances, really wanted to share her pastries.

    "No, but I appreciate the offer," Crystal said flatly as she sat down on the edge of a chair across from her mother.

    The Duchess eyed her daughter. "Lady Mab also sent a messenger sparrow along with the letter. He told me that Mab would like us to arrive two days before the ball. She did not say why - probably to exchange a bit of gossip. Mab and I were close friends way back when," she said, her face thoughtful.

    "That means we will have to leave tomorrow," Crystal said, frowning. She was not prepared for this.

    "Oh, dear, please don't state the obvious," the Duchess said wearily. "It is so remarkably unbecoming of you."

   Crystal fought to roll her eyes.

    "But, yes, you are correct in that we are leaving tomorrow. So, I suggest you start packing!" her mother chirped excitedly. "And, please Crystal, do bring your best dress. The blue one! I so adore that one."

    Crystal hated that dress. It was much too girly for her taste. A faint pinging sounded off the window behind her and she turned to glance at the sudden snowstorm that had picked up.

   "Mab's angry again," the Duchess remarked matter-of-factly, taking another bite of her crumpet.

    "I'm going to pack," Crystal said, rising from the chair and exiting, all but running from the room. When her mother dismissed her, it meant she wanted to be alone. No excuses. Up in her room, Crystal had to shoo a couple of house goblins from her desk. Apparently, they'd been trying to eat one of her wood writing utensils. "Get out!" she snapped irritably. The goblins screeched with laughter, snapped the writing utensil in half, and scurried out the door. Crystal sent an ice dagger after them, hitting one in the ass. It yelped and scrambled away.

    Crystal smirked and closed her door. The blizzard had picked up even more outside, cloaking everything in white. Goblins were probably the only creatures on the property that weren't terrified of her or her mother, constantly causing trouble but doing their job when they had to.

   As she packed, Crystal contemplated ripping the dress up and telling her mother it was ruined, but then again going against the Duchess's orders was suicide. So, groaning, Crystal chucked the thing into her bag, stuffing it in with the other clothes. She made sure to bring her best weapons; everyone in the Winter court carried one.

    She suddenly spotted the blue rose sitting on her dresser, which she'd left with the letter earlier. Her mother must have put it there. Or the goblins, as a cruel joke. Crystal glared at it for a while longer then snatched it up and opened her window, letting the frigid air kiss her face.

   Without a second thought, she tossed the rose out into the storm.

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