Chapter 4 - The Winter Court

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              As they made their way through the town, Crystal had to rein in Blackbird several times because of a stupid redcap or goblin that decided to run out under his nose. He snorted and tossed his head, baring his sharp teeth, his eyes filled with hunger. Anything that was meat and that moved was food.

Finally, they pulled to a halt in front of the beautiful ice palace, and Crystal found herself staring in awe. She had never seen anything like it - it shone even in the gloominess of the cave. She quickly caught herself though and focused back on the matter at hand.

Two guards approached to help the Duchess out of her carriage. She swatted one's hand away with her glove as she removed them and stepped out herself. "I appreciate the offer, dears, but it is really not necessary. I am not that old." She smiled like a cobra, winking at one guard. Little did they know she was probably plotting their demise right then and there.

Crystal swung off of Blackbird and quickly pulled an old rag over his eyes, tying it under his chin. If he couldn't see his food, he would be less likely to rip its head clean off its shoulders. He snorted and shook his mane, chewing on the bit.

The guards motioned the Duchess and Crystal to follow them. Crystal followed a couple feet behind her mother, being careful not to step on the train of her dress. They walked down a long, icy corridor, redcaps around a few corners playing cards and, occasionally, tearing into each other's throats. The turned a corner and headed down a second corridor, their feet silent on the icy floor.

And then, they entered the throne room. It was massive, its ceiling reaching sky high. Guards were posted at the two entrances and a few nobles stood around, drinking wine and exchanging gossip. And on her throne of ice, looking out into the crowd like a snow leopard, sat Queen Mab. She breathed as though she was sleeping, her chest rising and falling slowly. But her black eyes scanned the crowd intently. She wore a dress of pure white, with small beads adorning it, making it look as if it were made out of snow.

Crystal reminded herself to breathe as her and the Duchess were escorted to the center of the room, all heads turning to look at them. Crystal found her fingers twitching towards the knife concealed in her coat sleeve. With a flick of her wrist, it would be in her palm.

The room quieted as the guards bowed and stepped aside. The Duchess smiled and did not curtsy. Crystal held her breath and narrowed her eyes. "Welcome," Mab said calmly. "It is quite a pleasure to see you again, Lady Eira. How many centuries has it been since you last visited?"

The Duchess smiled. "Too long, Lady Mab, too long. I believe your youngest was about..." she trailed off, thinking for a moment, her fingers on her chin, "fifteen in human years, I would say." She smiled again. "Lord, it has been a while, hasn't it?"

Mab gestured with her chin to Crystal. "Is this your daughter?" she asked curiously.

Crystal felt her muscles tense and she took a deep breath. Why was her mother speaking so informally with the Queen? Were they friends? Her mother spoke up. "Oh, you haven't met my Crystal? Say hello to the Queen, girl, now don't be rude!" she hissed, swatting lightly at Crystal's arm with her glove.

Crystal swallowed and forced a smile, keeping her eyes emotionless. "It's an honor, Your Majesty," she said, glad her voice did not waver. Crystal's heart was beating hard. Where were they? she thought. There were three individuals she was dreading to meet, and not knowing where they were made her even more antsy.

"The next two days you will help me to prepare for the Winter Formal. I have some new ideas in mind and I'd like to hear your thoughts," Mab was saying.

The Duchess was ignoring Crystal. "Oh, gladly," she said, her tone cheery but also a do-not-fuck-with-me tone. The Duchess only used that tone when she felt slightly threatened. "I believe your children are home," she said suddenly, her voice dropping low. She smiled and turned to look at Crystal.

"I had forgotten how difficult it was to kill a wyvern," a low, icy, male voice spoke up as a figure walked into the room, fey scattering out of the way. Crystal did not turn around. Her heart was pounding and she glanced at Mab.

"Sage, Rowan, Ash, I was beginning to worry," Mab said, her tone cool. "Tell me, have you solved the problem that was bothering the Duke of Frostfell?"

Crystal did not miss the icy glare in her direction via her mother and Mab for a hundredth of a second, the room growing slightly colder. Then, she realized she was the only one in the room whose back was to the princes. What a stupid mistake. She clenched her jaw and turned around.

And met the sharp blue eyes that would be her downfall.

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