Broken Melody; A Day In The Life Of A Dork. Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Broken Heart, Broken Melody

The sun was hot, beating down harshly; a golden ray of heat was baking on my back. Feeling the almost white, grainy sand beneath my feet as I sank deeper into it.

Staring out to the open space, my eyes couldn't help but erupt from the beauty of the ocean; the waves crashing, tumbling, wrestling, fighting; with the pearly blue shade, the frothy white, soft bubbles.

Carter joined me then, standing just a foot away, and I forgot about the ocean's beauty. How could I compare it to the beauty of Carter? The ocean waves were dull against the colour of his eyes, the soft whoosh of the waves crashing and tumbling was irrelevant to the sound of his voice.

Where did all this come from? I asked myself. Is Lily going all soppy now?

Soppy? Hardly, I was not soppy.

Or, I hoped not.

Carter smiled at me, and once again it took my breath away. He held out a hand.

"Come for a walk with me?" He said, turning towards his left where there was what seemed like an endless strip of sand. But all I could do was stare at his hand, inviting me, welcoming me.

Lighten up, I told myself. It's just a hand, right?

Taking a deep breath, I took it in mine, and we started a leisurely stroll down the beach. We didn't say anything for the first moments, only listened to the sounds of the ocean. It was hard not to hyperventilate at his touch.

Then it sunk it.

Me, Lillian Rose, the dorkiest dork in the whole school, was holding hands with super-jock hottie Carter Jard. The same Carter Jard who had tried to kiss me earlier.

What could someone like him see in someone like me? We were similar, sure. But I came from a wrecked, messed up life and he came from a beautiful perfect one. It's just like he was a song, so sweet and catchy you had to listen to it over and over again. But I was dreadful and off-beat, kind of like a teenage rock band or something.

He was beautiful, amazingly perfect.

And I was just a broken melody.

My parents always told me that I should cherish life while I could, because I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. So, maybe I should not question what was happening, in case it all just suddenly went away. Maybe I should just go with the flow.

I wondered then what we looked like to people, the people jogging past us and sitting with their groovy coloured umbrellas. Did we look like a couple? Or just friends? Certainly not friends, friends didn't hold hands and take walks on the beach.

Hmm, it reminded me of something. . . .

I giggled quietly, and he looked at me swiftly, then raised an eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" He asked, giving me a puzzled look.

With my other hand, I gestured to the beach and then back to us. "This, it's a total movie moment."

He laughed and squeezed my hand, sending shivers up my spine. "Not every movie has a crying moment."

I wrinkled my nose. "True, only the type of movies that you and your friends watch."

Broken Melody; A Day In The Life Of A Dork [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now