I'm In Love With A Fallen Angel

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*Harry's POV*

I rushed into the main building, glancing down at the note in my hand.

"I've got to find the main office," I muttered to myself. I spun around in a circle, looking for a sign to the main office. I spot it and head in the direction the arrow was pointing.

"Oh no," my eyes widen upon hearing the bell. This means soon I'll be bombarded by everyone. I hear laughter and yelling getting louder and I spot the main office. I duck my head and hurry down the hall.

I bump into something hard. I look up and my eyes lock with some ocean blue eyes.

"Oi', Louis!" A yell knocks me from drowning further into the persons blue eyes.

"Comin'!" Louis, I assume, yells back. He walks past me, bumping my shoulder with his. I turn my head and watch him walk away. I notice his arms are completely covered in tattoos.

I turn back around and walk a few steps to the door of the office. I push it open and step inside. I walk up to the desk and the lady looks up at me.

"How may I help you love?" She smiles at me.

"Uh," I wring my hands, a nervous habit, "I'm new here."

"Okay, hang on a second," she types something into her computer, "are you Harry Styles?"


"Here's your timetable, your first class is Drama." She hands me a map, "your class is right here," she points to a spot on the map, "classroom East 10." She smiles at me.

"Thank you," I smile back at her and walk out of the office. I look down at the map and try to find the main office. I spot it and put my finger on it. I trace my finger to the first class.

"This hopefully won't be too hard." I start walking towards my first class.

I arrive at the classroom, double checking that it's East 10. I knock and open the door. Everyone stops what they are doing and stare at me. I feel me cheeks heat up from the attention.

"Miss there's a someone at the door!" A boy with heaps of tattoos and piercings yells at the teacher.

"I know there is, you do not have to tell me every time, Zayn."

"I was just tryin' to help Miss," he smirks. The teacher shakes her head and turns to face me.

"Yes, dear?" She smiles at me.

"I-I'm new here," I start ringing my hands.

"Ooh," she claps her hands together, "well introduce yourself to the class."

"Uh, my names Harry Styles and umm-"

"Can we ask him questions Miss?" I get interrupted by Zayn.

"Yes I suppose so, if your alright with that Harry?" She sighs.

"Yeah okay," I look around the class and my eyes land on the boy I ran into before. My eyes widen but he mustn't of noticed me at all as he's doodling on his book.

"I have a question," Zayn leans back in his chair, his smirk growing.

"Go ahead Zayn." He must be a trouble maker all the time.

"Okay, are you a poof?" He asked.

"Zayn!" The teacher shouted, "I do not accept those kind of questions!"

"Miss it's okay," I turn to Zayn and look him straight in the eye, "I am bi." Zayn's mouth falls open. Well he wasn't expecting me to answer him was he?

"Okay that's enough of the questions," the teacher pinches the bridge of her nose, "Harry there's a seat next to Louis you can sit there," she points to the seat. I shuffle towards it and plonk down.

I pull my book out of my bag.

"Okay class open up to page 64 in your text book." My eyes widen.

"You can share with me," I hear a voice say from beside me. I turn to look and see that it is Louis.

"Uh, thanks." I study his face more and notice he has two lip rings on each side of his bottom lip. I wonder what it would be like to kiss him. I shake my head. I can't have thoughts like that, he probably isn't even gay.

He raises an eyebrow at me and looks back down at his book.



Hi guys :)

Did you like it????? *crickets chirping*

Well I'm going to go now cause it's awkward


I'm In Love With A Fallen Angel [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now