Speeches & The Winner

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Isabella's POV
It's the day of the election and i have to admit I am a little ...I don't know the word and then I heard a noise and realize I got a text it's from Riley she asked how I was doing and if I'm ready for today and told her I was doing fine and not sure if I'm ready. My troop slept over last night to make sure I wouldn't talk to Phineas I think they did to get me mad..party poopers at these times I am happy that I have a diary.

Dear Diary
Today is the the when I find out who is the student body president I hope it's anybody except Barbie I wouldn't mind if it was  my triangle head crumb cake my half cutie half centaur crush ....Phineas ah just saying his name makes me feel like super happy like it always does.

Nobody knows where I keep my diary not even the girls because to be honest there are things in here about them nothing bad just like secrets and their crushes. I always keep it in my locker or in Phineas's he never notices but now that Kyle is here I have asked him to keep it with him and he does he's a good guy. It's a little  before we leave for school and me and the girls are getting my speech ready for the past weeks all of the candidates have been putting up their posters Buford's has him looking like a guard and is protecting the nerds of Danville Public School. Barbie's posters make her look like the the queen of the school or something so predictable of her and Phineas's have him in a suit and tie with some of his inventions in the background we all are pulling out every trick we can think of. 

Buford's POV
I've got every nerd's vote in the school and Baljeet says that is a lot of kids so I'm ok with that I'm confident that I will win it's about twenty minutes before an assembly where me and the others give our speeches.

Riley's POV 
I was chosen to talk before the candidates give their speeches I feel so honored just waiting for the room to be filled  I saw my teacher give me the sign to walk out I start to walk out and--whoa I just tripped over the wires and now I'm hugging the floor I hear the kids in the assembly laughing not a good way to start this "welcome students of Danville Public School to the annual  Student Body President candidate election" I bubbled "let's welcome our first candidate and that is Isabella Garcia Shapiro" I added and Isabella began to walk out i clapped.

Isabella's POV
"Hello my fellow students I'm Isabella and I have a few reasons why you should vote for me first of all I am a straight A student also I spend my time helping others and I am the leader of the fireside troop. I'm also a tutor so I can teach you words I wouldn't want to obfuscate or confuse you I can make you all scintillating like me and my friends. I know that my posters have unicorns and those are mythological but they are cool and if elected I can promise you find cool to be here at school thank you" I chirped as I curtsied  that went better then I thought it would Riley then introduces Buford let's see what has planned.

Buford's POV
"Hey I am Buford and I will be your next president because I am the best one for the job I mean look at my so called  "competition" there's girly,an airhead and Dinner Bell so it seems like I am the best one for the job and for every vote I get I will eat one worm" and with that I walked off the stage Baljeet said I should make my speech short and to the point. The chick Riley said that Brittany was up next.

Brittany's POV 
"Like hey my peeps it's you girl and soon to be head cheerleader me Brittany omg it would be  like just fabulous if I won like totally it would. I know all my real friends will know that I'm the only real choice I want everybody to watch me on Instagram for my victory speech I just can't wait to hear my name as your president  and I promise to be the same down to earth nice person I always was". I smiled and then strut off stage like a model and the girl Riley got to the podium and said your last candidate is Phineas.

Phineas's POV
"Hi I'm Phineas and I see that my competitors made good points but I want to tell you why I want to be your next Student Body President.As many of you know I love to invent things in fact some of my inventions are already in the school and I think it has made our school lives easier at least a little bit and If I'm elected I promise to make all of your lives much easier just think of what things you might want in this school and with some time,patience and a little elbow grease anything is possible after all  the only thing that's impossible is improbability. I with help can make any gizmo or contraption that you can think of thank you." I walk of the stage and take me seat with my team Riley comes back on stage but not before falling up the stage..hmmm never seen that before "alright everybody now that the candidates have spoken please write down you choice and place it in the box at the front" Riley announced everybody did including all the candidates and their teams as I walked to cast my vote I walked into Isabella I wished her luck and walked back to my team our Principal asked all the students to go back to class and they will announce the winner in a hour. About an hour later when school was about to end we heard the principal come on the intercom saying hello students and tryouts for teams and clubs and other things and then " and it's time to announce the student body president and the winner is ... Isabella Garcia Shapiro I turned to her to congratulate her and saw reacting like those people who win a singing  competition covering her mouth and tearing up a bit I saw her team raise her up and cheering her name and she does deserve it.  

Hey my awesome readers I know a few of you may have seen this coming but I asked you all to  give me your thoughts none of you did. Also I really wanna thank klutzyriles and marissajeffries3 for helping me.

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