The pirates

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Rip's voice echoed through the speakers of the ship. "Everyone, please meet me in the main room as soon as possible. I believe I have found something that could help us stop savage". Sara pushed herself up off the floor, leaving the cards spread out on the floor "We can finish our game later" she told Snart. He nodded in agreement. He was losing anyway.
When the whole team was finally gathered around the console Rip told them what was happening. "We have just received a distress call from a ship called the Acheron". He went on to explain why they had to go help it and what they were going to do. "Mister Snart, mister Rory and miss Lance, You will accompany me on this mission. You're abilities may be required." Mick couldn't care less about coming or not, Sara didn't see a problem with it and Snart wouldn't miss an opportunity to spend more time with Sara.

After about half an hour, the jump ship stopped. They had arrived. Mick looked out the window. Space was much more.. empty than he had imagined. It made him feel unsafe but he didn't show it. Rip opened the door and they all walked out onto the Acheron. Snart immediately felt something was wrong. He wasn't sure if it was the darkness of the ship or the loud silence but something was definitely not right.
"You okay?" Sara asked him. He responded with a nod. The four walked down a hall towards a dark room. Rip was closing the group while Mick was in the front. As soon as the arsonist stepped into the room a blinding light flashed on and five men threw themselves at Mick. He managed to knock two down but the three others grabbed his arms and cuffed him. Rip attempted to fall back but two more men appeared from behind him and cuffed him as well. Sara was much harder to control. She was kicking and punching all around her. Snart on the other hand was having a little more trouble. A few men pinned him against the wall and one of them held up a dagger to his throat. Sara instantly stopped once she saw the blade being pressed against his neck. "Stand down!" One of them said. She didn't move. Not entirely sure if he was bluffing or not. The man trailed the dagger down Snart's neck and pressed it deep into his stomach, making a huge red stain run down his parka. Mick let out a growl and tried to get loose. Sara threw her hands up in sign of cooperation. The men cuffed her as well and forced her on her knees. Snart wasn't moving. The pain in his stomach was abnormally painful and he could feel his warm blood running from the wound and bath his skin. He couldn't cover the wound as his hands were cuffed as well.
"Who the hell are you?" Mick growled.
"These, mister Rory, are time pirates" Rip explained. One of the pirates, the captain no doubts, went up to the control and scanned all of them. "What do we have here? A rogue time traveler, an assassin and two wanted thieves. Well.." he crouched down next to Snart and pressed against the wound " wanted thief and one half dead man." Snart let out a small scream of pain and tried to get away from the man. The captain looked at his stained red hand and walked up to Sara. She threw him a hateful look and spat on him. The captain slapped her face, leaving a blood stain against her cheek. "Feisty.. You and I could get along just fine if you joined my crew" he suggested. She pretended to think about it and than told him what she thought of his offer. The pirates dragged them all to a cell and locked them in. Un cuffing all of them except Rip. Mick immediately went to his partner and pulled up his shirt to examine the stab. Sara held his hand and put his head on her knees. "You're gonna be okay. Don't worry" She told him. Rip was talking/arguing with the other prisoner in the cell. Captain Baxter. The real captain of the Acheron. Mick covered the wound with his jacket to slow down the bleeding. Sara stood up and looked at the lock to see if she could open the door from the inside. She pulled a few wires and the door slide open. She let out a cry of happiness.. that was cut short when she saw the pirates enter the room. "Wait, you actually thought you opened the door?" Baxter told her. A pirate aimed at her teammates and ordered her to come along. She followed the pirates into a room and saw the captain sitting at a table. He signaled her to sit and she did what he wanted. "I want to bargain a deal." He said, breaking the silence in the room. Sara raised an eyebrow. "I'll let the members of your team go. Send them back to whenever they want and take the waverider for my team and myself." Sara looked at him confused on one small detail. "And what about me?" She asked. "You mjoin me and my team. We need a more.. feminine touch on this crew." Sara knew very well that this was going to end with her teammates getting killed and her joining the pirate's crew either way. "I'll think about it" she told him. He smiled satisfied like if he had just won the lottery and grabbed her arms. Sara was surprised, she wasn't expecting this. "You try anything your teammates go boom!" He threatened. Sara was paralyzed. She was about to ask what the hell he was talking about when he shoved his cold lips against hers. She reacted on instinct and punched him. Not strong enough though because he slapped her and pushed her against the wall. Connecting their lips once again. She tried to scream but any sound she made was muffled in the forces embrace. Tears began flowing down her face as she tried desperately to shove him off her body. He began kissing down her neck and she managed to let out one final scream before panic and terror made her pass out.

Sara woke up to a cold feeling around her. She jerked awake and tried to move but her body was strapped against a man. She tried getting away but her muscles wouldn't listen to her. The only part of herself she could move was her head. Her eyes darted around and she realized with horror she was in her underwear and bra. A large hand traveled down her neck and stopped over her chest. She let out a loud scream and tried to move again. The hand grabbed her shoulder and shifted her onto her back. A familiar face was staring down at her exposed body. She shut her eyes tightly when she saw him leaning down on top of  her and kissing her stomach. She felt like throwing up with every kiss he places on her bare skin. "Please! Stop!" She begged. The man just smirked and pulled himself up so that his face was just above hers. "You don't get to tell me what to do around here honey!" He slammed his lips against hers and slipped his tongue unto her mouth, making her squirm under him. The door jolted open and in came another person. "GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" The person yelled. "What are you gonna do?" The captain replied sarcastically. Sara shut her eyes and moved her head to the side. She didn't know what she was injected with but it was stopping her body from moving. Paralyzing her from her neck to toes. A familiar sound was heard and a thump sound was heard. She kept her eyes shut until a familiar sent was right next to her. She cracked her eyes open and saw Snart picking her up. He held her against him as well as he could with a shot shoulder but he didn't seem to care. He held her head as she broke down crying historically. "" She stuttered. "Jax. He and the professor managed to pick up on what was going on and came to free us. You're safe now" he explained. She breathed heavily and then realized she was almost naked. Who knew what that monster had done to her while she was passed out and defenseless. Snart gently laid her back down on the bed and took off his jacket before wrapping her fragile body in it. She let herself sink into the smell of him and placed her head on his heart and listened to his heartbeat.

Once they were all back on the ship, Snart took her back to her room and wrapped her underneath her blankets. "Gideon says whatever you were injected with should ware off in a few hours." She tried to move her arms but it was like trying to move your hair or ears. Impossible. She saw him starting to leave her room "Wait!" If she could move she would have slapped herself. He turned around. "Are you alright?" He asked with a concerned look. "Hum yeah. Yeah would you mind staying a little longer? I.. I just really don't want to be alone right now." He nodded silently and went back to the bed and layed over the covers to not make her uncomfortable. She moved her head over and placed it on his chest. "Thank you" she said softly. He replied by taking her shoulders and holding them against him. "Anytime." She closed her eyes. This embrace was similar to the one she had woken up in. But so, so, so different. This one was warm and comfortable. She smuggled closer to him and he did the same. Her eyes shut and she slipped into a deep slumber.

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