Midnight kiss (part 2)

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Author's note:
I advise you to read this chapter twice so that you fully understand what happens in it

Leaving wasn't the worst part. Knowing was. Having the knowledge that could have saved his life. It was just so hard. Sara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The streets of Central City were not the place to break down crying. Not that there was any place on earth that was.

The fresh air of the morning was a nice change from the halls of the waverider but Sara knew she couldn't prolong her visit in this time. She could cause an aberration or something. The walk home was quite and calm. No one bothered her. No one looked at her. It was as if she wasn't even there. Eventually, she reached the jump ship that took her back to the Waverider.

"Hey Sara. Late night out?" Ray asked her as soon as she entered the hall. A long sigh escaped her lips. "Yeah you could say that." She responded, not even throwing him a glance. She walked down the hall to her room, the physicist following behind her. God he was annoying! He had good intentions but she was not in the mood right now. "Ray can you go please? I don't feel like talking." The man nodded and complied to her wish.

A week flew by, faster than the Flash.
On the seventh day after her side quest, Rip sent them on a mission in 1698 where a futuristic disease would kill millions if they didn't stop it. Hunter made it clear they had to be very careful as if they were exposed to the virus for too long they could catch the sickness.

The mission went by and was over within two days. Back on the waverider, everyone was asleep. It had been a long day and kicking ass was surprisingly more tiring than you would think. The next morning, Sara woke up with a terrible stomach ache. Before she could fully take note of her situation, she found herself running to the bathroom and throwing up over the toilet seat. All sorts of possibilities courses through her mind. What if she had been exposed? What if she died? The virus could be destroying her from inside right now without her even knowing it! Panic took ahold of her and it took her half an hour to calm down. She was too young to die. And her team needed her! She found Rip and explained the situation to him. He had Gideon administer a cure to her to try and see if it would help her.

The next morning, the same process greeted her day. Her emptying her stomach over the toilet and fearing for her life. The cure hadn't worked.. She didn't tell Rip this time because she knew he would worry. Two more days went by, the same exact routine every morning until Amaya found her crying in her quarters. Sara told her what was happening and that she thought she was going to die. Amaya stayed silent during her entire story and thought about every detail the blonde had told her. "Sara.. I need you to come with me." She told her. Sara did as told and followed Amaya to the bathroom. "What is this?" Sara asked. Amaya turned and looked at her. She explained to her her theory and Sara's jaw fell open. "No! That's impossible!" She shouted. She couldn't believe this. She wouldn't! "No. No. No. No! I was very careful about that!" Amaya gave her a sad look. "You have to be sure."

Sara dried her tears and entered the bathroom. She took in a shaky breath before doing as Amaya had instructed. After doing what was needed came the waiting part. She sat against the wall and waited. The "ding" on her watch signaled her it was time. She picked up the object next to the sink and her eyes watered up once again. This was terrible. And wonderful at the same time. She put the object down and sat back against the wall. "So?" Amaya asked as she entered the room. Sara gave her a distressful look.

"Positive..." She whispered.

"I'm pregnant.."

Captain canary one shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें