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It was night time. The only light that pierced the trees was the full moon.
Everything was dead silent. Only the wind blowing in the branches brought a little bit of life to the environment.

Two figures were walking in the snow. Side by side in the obscurity. "Did you hear that?" Sara whispered. Snart nodded and accelerated his pace. After a few minutes, they reached the cliff of a roaring river. The current seemed stronger than the waverider's engines.

"What now?" Sara asked, looking over the cliff. Leonard didn't have time to respond. Two giant figures charged out of the woods and attacked them. One of the men went after Sara and tried to stab her but she easily ripped the knife out of his hand and trapped him in a choke hold. As the blood started draining from his brain, he passed out.

Leonard was in a little more crap. The other man was bigger than the one that had gone after Sara. They had probably thought that because she was a woman she would be easier to kill than him. Boy were they wrong. The man also had a knife and was swinging it furiously at him. Snart managed to dodge the sharp blade... until he didn't. The sting hit him a few seconds after he was cut but it wasn't very deep. His hand instinctively covered his cut, leaving him exposed to his attacker. The man lifted his arm and prepared to strike again but the knife that planted itself in his back stopped him. Sara was standing behind him. Her hand still raises from the throw she had performed. Snart looked over the man and at her and gave her a thankful look. Too soon as always. The man fell on him, his entier weight pushing the two back and over the cliff.

Leonard felt the cold before he hit the water. He tried to scream but the liquid entered his nose and mouth, filling his lungs and slowly closing its freezing grip on him. He tried to fight the current with everything he had. Punching and kicking against the water that was trying to claim his life.

The lack of oxygen and energy began to set in with little black stars dancing in front of him. He gave one last kick to try and bring himself back to the surface when a metal hand gripped his wrist and pulled him back above water. The air poured into his lungs as he gasped. The hand turned into two arms and before he could fully understand everything happening, he was laying on his back on the rocks, Sara standing over him. He loved the cold but this, this was far too much. "We need to get you warmed up!" Sara exclaimed, pulling one of his arms over her shoulders and supporting his weight. For someone so small she was certainly strong.

After a few minutes, Sara found a tent that had probably belonged to the people who had attacked them. She slid inside and laid Leonard down on the blankets that were inside. "So..c..ol..d" he managed to stutter. His lips had turned blue and frost had collected on his eyebrows. Sara lifted his head and placed it on her lap. His eyes were closed but little whines of pain made sure he was still conscious. The assassin took hold of the edge of his shirt and started pulling it upward. A shriek and a hand grabbing hers stopped her. "Snart you need direct skin contact! Let me take off your shirt." He shook his head violently. "!" Sara placed her hand over his cheek. "Leonard.. let me help you." His eyes got a little humid but no tears escaped them. "I'll close my eyes if it makes you more comfortable." A small nod followed by his hand relaxing and falling back next to him have her her answered. She did as she had promised and shut her eyes.

Her assassin training helped her immensely. Within twenty seconds, she had him out of his shirt and pants. It was almost comic. Every time she touched his bare skin he would tense but relax almost immediately after.
She proceeded to take off her own cloths, keeping on only her bra and underwear. She felt him staring but who could blame him? She laid over him, her body enveloping him almost entirely and pressed his head against her chest. Leonard closed his eyes and absorbed everything. Her warm skin directly in him. The tickle of her hair on his neck. He had never been this intimate with anyone. He was still freezing but his senses were slowly returning and in the package, his sight. He looked around awkwardly, trying to control himself with his face pressed into Sara's breasts. He mentally cursed when he felt himself get a little too excited. He prayed Sara wouldn't notice his.. you know, pressing against her leg. But of course she did but instead of getting mad or moving away uncomfortably, a little chuckle escaped her lips. Leonard shut his eyes tightly, feeling his face grow all shades of red. "Hey it's okay Leonard. Don't worry about it." Leonard kept his eyes shut and pretended to be asleep, knowing very well he was not fooling the woman. He was exhausted though and could feel himself drifting away. He was warmer now, he should be able to sleep without causing any brain damage. Before he knew it, everything disappeared around him and he fainted into darkness.

His eyes flew open before he even woke up. His gaze darted around like a trapped animal's would. He quickly sat up but a hand held him down. "Hey hey hey. It's alright. Don't worry you're safe." He looked over at who was talking and took in a deep breath. "How long was I out?" He asked. "About half an hour." She answered, removing her hand from his chest. Leonard grabbed the blanket and tried to cover himself as much as possible. He felt naked. Well.. he was.. except for his underwear which was still very damp. "Don't look at me." He ordered, looking all around himself, trying to find his cloths. Sara turned around so that her back was facing him. "Your cloths are drying outside, they won't be dry until tomorrow and you can't risk walking through winter in wet clothes." Leonard laid back down on the sheet. "What's your suggestion?" He asked. "I guess we're stuck here until tomorrow morning." She replied, turning her head to look at him but quickly looking back to where she was when she saw the angry look he gave her. She felt awful for betraying his trust. Not only just now but when he was unconscious. When she had felt him go limp she had panicked, thinking maybe he was dead. Without thinking she had opened her eyes and from there she hadn't been able to close them.

He was beautiful. She had imagined what he looked like under all his layers, both physical and mental, but this was more than she had ever pictured. His body looked so smooth. His lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out. His arms did have muscles but not so much that it seemed macho. He looked so calm. So peaceful. So comfortable. She took it back, he was not beautiful. He was absolutely gorgeous. Why would he hid such a beautiful body under all the sweaters and the sarcastic attitude? But then she had seen why. The more you looked the more they appeared. At first only the big ones stood out, but eventually, an infinity of mini scars littered his body. He had more than her. They were just smaller. Some looked like burns. Cigarette burns. Others looked like cuts, where the skin had been ripped by shards of broken glass.

"Hello?" The call snapped her out of her memories. "Yeah.. yeah I'm here. Sorry. I must've.. blacked out or something." She answered. "You looked." It wasn't a question. He wasn't asking because he knew she had. She slowly turned around but didn't look at him. She kept her gaze low and stayed quite for a few moments. "Yes. And I'm sorry." Lying would get her no where. She knew he would know anyway. "And you must think that I'm a monster now." He said, looking at a particularly nasty scar on his chest. "I mean only a monster would have these. Am I right? Only a monster would deserve them. This is why I don't leT PEOPLE SEE ME!!!" He finished his sentence yelling. He wasn't yelling at her. He was yelling at himself. He felt so stupid for letting her undress him. He shouldn't have. He should have stayed clothed and frozen to death. "Leonard you're not a monster. Yes you've done bad things in your life but that's not who you are anymore!" She moved closer to him and gently extended her arm. "You are not a monster. And those scars are not your fault. They are the ones caused by a monster. Them. Not you." Her hand was now on his shoulder and for the first time, he didn't tense or pull away. She sat next to him. "You are not a monster, Leonard." She whispered. "Why should I believe you?" His voice dropped to a murmur. "Because.." her lips brushed against him. "..if you were a monster I wouldn't feel this way about you." Her lips kissed him again, adding more pressure and lasting longer than the first. She pulled away slowly, trying to keep her eyes open. "Leonard?" He was completely silent. Not a single sound coming from him. "You okay?" His gaze far away. It was as if he couldn't hear her. "Please," a nervous laugh escaped her lips. "Say something."

His lips crashed into hers with such strength she was nearly knocked over. She giggled and pushed him back on the bed, sitting over him and straddling his hips with her legs. His hands came up and cupped her face, pulling her closer than ever.

Leonard opened his eyes and gazed into hers. This had been quite the evening. Nearly dying, being seen naked for the first time in years and facing his feelings about intimacy.

But if he had to do it again, just for that very first kiss, he would do it a million times without hesitation.

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