Cold gun

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Sara had never been this bored. It was one of those days where there was absolutely nothing to do onboard. She made her way down to the cargo bay and started opening a few boxes to see what was inside.

Most of the things she found were just little gadgets from the future. But nothing interesting. Until her eyes fell on a metal box sitting behind a crate. She walked up to it and opened it, looking at what was inside.

A smile appeared on her lips as she took the object in her hands. She had always wondered where Snart kept his gun when he didn't have it on him. Now she knew.

The cold gun was much to big for her little hands but she still took it out. A buzzing sound signaled to her that it had turned on. And if that hadn't told her, the white light on its side certainly did. She placed a target on the wall and stepped back a few feet. She aimed at the target and fired. The target exploded into tiny pieces of frozen wood and ice.

"That's not how you use it." A voice said from behind her. She turned around and looked at Snart, a playful smile on her lips. "Put it down you're gonna hurt yourself." He said. Sara raised her eyebrow and looked down at the gun. She was thinking more about the fact he had told her to put it down so that SHE wouldn't get hurt, instead of telling her to cut it out because he was concerned she would break the gun. "I can handle a little cold." She said, raising the gun again and aiming at another target. She was about to pull the trigger when she felt a hand on her arm and another on her waist. Leonard moved her arm up slightly and pressed on her waist to pivot her slightly. She could feel his breath against her ear. He was right behind her. A shiver ran from her neck down to her spine.

Sara pressed her body against him, especially on his waist, teasing him. She could hear his breathing hitch as she backed into his chest. She fired again but put too much pressure on the trigger which sent her flying back into him. He caught her but the shock knocked them both over.

Sara closed her eyes and hit something hard. She rested against it for a few seconds until her brain cleared from the confusion. She opened her eyes and saw she was laying on Leonard's chest. And by laying I mean "laying". Her torso against his. Her arms involuntarily pinning him down. A laugh escaped her lips as he tried to get out from under her with no success.

His stare locked onto hers and the room fell silent. "Too much cold?" He asked teasingly. "Not even close." She responded. He tilted his head to the side, just a little, and placed his arms around her waist, trapping her against him. A little smirk found its way to Sara's lips. "I think..that I can handle a lot of cold." She whispered against his ear. "Let's see how much." He drawled, pulling her lips to his. She immediately deepened the kiss, pressing her body closer to his.

After about an hour, the two finally broke away from each other's body. Sweat giving their skin a small shine. Their cloths spread across the cargo bay. Sara had had the good idea to have Gideon lock the doors and soundproof the room before they "started". The cold floor felt like an ice wall against the pairs bare back. "That was.." Sara said, still catching her breath. Leonard turned his head and looked at her, a huge smirk on his face. Her hand grasped his and held on tight.

They stayed that way for about another hour. "We should probably get dressed.." Sara said, sitting up. Leonard really didn't want to. He was enjoying the view of the assassin but he nodded anyway. He slipped on his shirt, boxers and jeans and looked over his shoulder to see Sara looking right at him. She was already dressed but he could still picture her the way she was a few minutes ago. "What?" He asked. She slid her hand up his arm until she reached his neck. She didn't answer his question and just placed her hand over the back of his neck, pulling his head close. "You should come over tonight. Once everyone's asleep. It'll be worth it." Her mouth nibbled ok his earlobe. "I promise.."

She places one last passionate kiss against his lips before exiting the cargo bay, over exaggerating the swaying of her hips and making him go absolutely insane.

This woman would be the death of him.

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