Evil angel

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Warning! This chapter contains mature themes.

Leonard was running through the halls of the waverider. His heart beating faster than a speedster could run and his gun in his hand ready to fire. Stupid Rip! What was he thinking sending Sara, Amaya and Zari on a mission to bring back a sample of a special drug. Turns out, the three had been captured and the people had tested the drugs on them. Even more of a surprise, the drug altered their brain and turned them evil. They had come back to the ship and attacked all of them. He was the last one on the loose. All the others were either knocked out or trapped in the brig. A whooshing sound yanked him out of his memories as Zari sent a gush of wind in his direction. He was sent flying into the wall and crashed in it. Leaving a dent in the metal. He jumped up and ducked behind a corner just in time to avoid another one of her blasts. He kept running down the halls trying to find a way to escape but a figure came around the corner and a gigantic force pinned him against the wall. He tried to fight back but incredibly strong arms kept him in place. He looked down and saw Amaya holding him against the wall. "Amaya..!" He growled trying to get free of her powers. Sara came running around the corner and smiled devilishly at him. "Nice work" Zari said as she appeared around a corner. "Yeah" Sara said in an incredibly seductive voice. "Real nice work." She continued, approaching their prisoner and placing her hand over his neck like to examine a trophy she had just won. "Sara.." Snart pleaded, still struggling. He tried to kick Amaya's leg back but a whoosh was heard and his legs were stuck to the wall like if he was lying on his back with bags of sand on his body. He looked over and saw Zari's totem shining a bright red. "Oh honey.." Sara said trailing her hand down to his chest. "Keep struggling. It's cute!" She ordered. Leonard froze. It was like she wanted him to escape so that she could hunt him down again. "Ladies.. I'm sure we can handle this another way. Just let me go." His voice was less stable than he would have wanted it to be and shook a little on the last sentence. "Aww. Is someone scared?" Zari asked with a chuckle. "Looks like tough guy isn't as tough as he makes it seem." Amaya added. She let him go and he dropped to the floor, feeling free air around him. He tried to get up but when he rolled on his back, Sara sat on his legs and leaned forward. "Going somewhere?" She asked "But fun is only begging!" She continued with a little girls voice. He tried to reply but Zari sucked the air around his head away. He grabbed his neck and tried to inhale but he couldn't. Slowly, darkness started forming around his eyes as he passed out. "Shhhh go to sleep" Zari whispered. She added something afterwards but he didn't have time to listen as he blacked out.
Once Sara was sure he was out, she stood up over his unconscious body and smirked. "What now?" Amaya asked. "Now.." Sara looked down at him. "Fun time!"

Leonard woke up to a freezing sensation covering his entire body. He opened his mouth and let out a scream of surprise as his eyes cleared from the cold water that had just been tossed all over him. He looked around in panic and saw that his hands were chained above his head. This was Sara's room. He looked around and saw her angelic face standing next to him, holding an empty bucket that seemed to have contained water. "What the hell Sara?!" He shouted, pulling on the chains. His feet were also chained but separately and pinning his feet down onto the metal floor. In other conditions, this may have been a very pleasant experience but the woman standing beside him was not the lady he had secretly fallen for. This person was much more aggressive and dangerous. He grabbed the chains holding his wrists and tried to pull when a hand grabbed his chin and pulled his face close to another. "Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy watching people think they have a chance?" She asked playfully, trailing her hands up his thighs and making them rest over his hips. "Sara, this isn't you. Listen to me, you're not thinking clearly. You.." he was cut off by a hand sliding in front of him and stopping around his private area. He let out a gasp and tried to pull away but the chains at his feet prevented him from accomplishing his objective. "Sara.." he growled. She replied by cupping him and pushing her lips against his. "Don't act like you don't want this. Like you haven't dreamed about this." She said as she pulled away from the forced embrace. He looked at her with fear and anger in his eyes. "Don't!" He said calmly. So calmly that it even surprised him. "Are you sure that's what you want?" She asked sarcastically. "Because your little friend down there seems to think differently.." she said, holding him and his neck. "Sara please. I'm begging you. Okay? I am begging you!" She was right. He had dreamt of her and him. But not like this. Not with him being forced and her being brainwashed. She let out a laugh and cupped him again. "Keep begging! It's hot!" She said, teasing him. He tried to push her away again but she pulled out a knife and held it against his neck. It was only then he noticed his parka and cold gun were not on him. She trailed the knife down until it met his neckline and cut right through the shirt, exposing his chest and stomach. She caressed his abs with her hand and smiled. His muscles were so tense. He was holding back his screams of anger and fear because he knew that would only give her one more reason to do what she was going to do. She pulled away from him and he sighed in relief. Maybe the drug was wearing off and she was getting back to normal. His eyes widened in horror and she pulled her shirt over her shoulders and threw it across the room. He shut his eyes and turned his head to the side. Bad idea. He felt soft lips stick to his neck and start kissing him there. He let out a scream and ordered she stop but that just drove her even more wild. She started sucking his neck, leaving hickeys everywhere her lips past. Once she was finished with his neck, she let her hands trail down his side and stop at the waistband of his jeans. She looked up at him and crossed his terrified stare with her own. He looked like he was about to cry. She unbuckled his pants and slid them down which own her a struggle from him. "Sara stop!" He continued pleading as she kissed him again, slipping her tongue in his mouth and swirling around as he screamed. With a swift move, she violently slapped him across the face, which owned her a whine of pain. "Again?" She asked sarcastically. He shook his head no but she didn't listen and slipped her leg in between his thighs. His stare dropped down to her legs. Even though he hated what was happening, he couldn't deny it, she was beautiful. She pushed her leg up and rubbed it against his junk. A soft moan escaped his lips as he started accepting what was happening. "Good boy" Sara whispered in his ear. She removed her pants and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down into another kiss. This time he kissed her back. He immediately stopped himself when he realized what he had done. "Don't stop!" Sara ordered, kissing him again. This time he let out a scream and started struggling again. Desperately trying to get free. Sara smirked and licked his neck. A tear escaped his eye but he didn't cry. She licked his cheek, chasing the tear away. She put her hands on her back and made him look down at them. "Sara.. please! Sara!" Taking her time and placing hickeys over his neck and shoulders. "Shh don't cry. No one can hear you. It's just the two of us!" Her hands kept roaming his body and pulling him down to kiss her. After what seemed like an eternity, she pulled away from his body. Keeping his chest exposed as his shirt was cut in half. She dressed herself and smiled at him. He looked at her with a hateful stare. Full of pain, anger, sadness and terror. "For what it's worth," she started, approaching him again. "you're really good" he rolled his head backwards and stared at the ceiling. Containing his tears and stopping himself from sobbing. Before he could do anything, she cuffed his hands behind his back and pushed him on her bed, connecting their lips once again. Of course he avoids her mouth as much as possible but she sat over his hips and held his torso down thanks to her hands. "Stop fighting. I already won" she said, kissing his jaw. Her hands kept tracing little circles around his chest. He couldn't hide his head to the side because he knee that would earn him more hickeys. So he just kept his head straight and let her kiss him. Every time he would refuse to open his mouth to her, she would squeeze his junk, making his moan or gasp long enough for her to pass her tongue in his mouth. He gave up hope and closed his eyes. "Admit it, Snart! You love what happened and you want more." Tear streamed down his cheeks because she was partly right. She wiped them away and made him stare at her. "At least I know I liked it." She said. "You.. you raped me!" He shouted. He was angrier than ever and her bitchy smirk only made it worse. "Oh well.. Wasn't that bad was it?" She layed on top of him, kissing down on his mouth, neck, torso, belly button, abs and jawline, which owned her a groan every time. She chained him to the bed and got up. "Be back in a few hours baby" she winked at him and left the room. Leaving him shirtless and sobbing on her bed.

Captain canary one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang