The chicago way

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Established relationship

Sara woke up in a dark room that looked like a basement. Than the situation hit her. She had been captured by Thawn while on a mission in Chicago. She looked around and saw Snart still unconscious and tied to a chair next to her. "Snart!" She called out. He jerked awake and pulled on the ropes tying them down. "I've already tried that." She said with a sigh.

The door opened and in came Merlyn. He talked about random things until Sara got sick of him beating around the bush. "Just get to the point Merlyn!" She finally said. "I would like to bargain a deal." Malcolm said. He explained how he had sabotaged the Queen's gambit and he would change everything if they handed the amulet over. Sara told him off and he left. "That was.." Snart started. "Really stupid? Dumb? Useless? Please enlighten me with your infinite wisdom!" Sara cut him. "I was gonna say selfless." He said. They talked a bit more until the door opened again and Damien Darhk entered with three men. "So I heard Merlyn's proposition didn't go so well." He said while two of his men began untying Leonard. "Sara..!" He said as he struggled to get away from the men. The men began dragging him out. "Leonard!" Sara shouted as she tugged on the restraints. "Leonard!!!!" She screamed as the door slammed shut behind the men.

Snart was brought into a dark hall. He was shoved into a cage and the men held his arms behind him through the bars. A man was standing in front of him. The speedster. He approached him and pulled out a small device. "Now, this should only hurt a little. Well.. in theory." Snart felt a wave of terror hit him as the speedster slammed the device into his chest. Agonizing pain began flowing through his body. He tried desperately to get his arms loose but the grip of the men was too strong. He let out a loud scream of agony and passed out.

Sara watched the door open and in came Amaya and Mick. "Sara! You okay?" Amaya asked. "Yeah I'm fine! Where's Snart?" She asked as Amaya and Mick untied her. Ray and Nate came into the room, helping Snart by having each one of his arms around their neck. Sara sighed in relief and got up. "We need to get out of here before the speedster comes back." She said.

Back on the ship, Sara noticed that Snart was acting weird. She knew torture could change a person but this wasn't the first time her boyfriend had been hurt. She knew that from the many scars he had on his upper body. "Did you see anything that could help us?" Nate asked. "Did you hear anything about the amulet?" He asked. Snart looked at him. "Yes. I think I might have heard something. Maybe if I could see the amulet I might be able to help." He said. "Uhm sure." Sara said. "Come on let's go see it." She took his hand and led him to the library. "I'll be right back I just need to homey something." She told him before quickly going back to her room.

The second the door closed, Thawn zoomed around the library, desperately trying to find the amulet. These idiots had believed he was actually their teammate without even a thought. Morons! Of all the horrified expressions he had seen on the faces of the people he had disguised himself as, he had to say, Leonard Snart's was the one he found most satisfying. The man could barely stand on his own and yet he still had managed to pick up on what was happening. He heard the door open and quickly tidied up the room before Sara reentered.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting weird." She said, closing the door. "Oh yes. I'm fine." He said, looking around the room. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck and pull his face close to Sara's. "I was really worried." She whispered. He tried to pull away but her warm lips connected with his. "Mmpf!" He shouted in the kiss. He didn't find it.. unpleasant. I mean Sara was a pretty attractive woman after all. He smirked evilly but before he could do anything else, Nate came running in the room. "Uhm, Sara, can I talk to you? In private? Now?" He said out of breath. Thawn looked at Nate and then back at Sara. In a flash of red lightning, he had thrown them both against the wall. He vibrates and changed back to his normal body. Sara's expression was priceless. A mix of shock, anger, fear and hate. He ran passed them and through the ship.

Sara ran to the bureau where she had hidden the amulet and saw Merlyn going through her things. She kicked his ass and held a knife to his throat. "Where's Snart?!!" She yelled. He let out a growl between his teeth. "That information comes at a cost!" Sara knew the cost. But she was willing to pay. She would pay anything to make sure Leonard was safe.

Snart stared at the water beneath him. Cold. Dark. Lonely. Behind him was Capon and his men. Just another minute and he would be at the bottom of that water. A wind sound was heard from behind him followed by gunshots and then silence. He didn't move. He didn't speak. He didn't look at whoever was behind him. Probably the speedster coming back to use him as a hostage or to kill him himself. He felt the ropes around his wrists loosen and fall to the ground. Same with his ankles. A hand pulled him away from the edge of the dock and before he knew it, soft lips were warming him up. He opened his eyes and saw Sara cupping his face. She took him back to the ship and explained what had happened, leaving out the part about her kissing Thawn.

That evening, Snart went to check on Sara and found her in her office, staring at a map of everything they knew about the speedster. "What's bothering you?" He asked her, leaning against the frame of the office. "And don't say nothing." He said before she could answer. She stayed silent for a moment before saying something back. "You almost died today." She said. "I didn't." He responded. "But you could have. And I made the choice to save you. But what if I can't make that choice in another situation?" She sat down on her sofa and sighed. Leonard sat next to her and hugged her. "Whatever choice you make, I know it'll be the right one." He kissed her tenderly and they both soon fell asleep for the rest of the legends to find in the morning.

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